New Anime Store: Desu-Nation

Terry Chan @desunation
New Anime Store: Desu-Nation
Terry Chan @desunation
Hey there everyone, I've just opened up my own anime store here in Temple City, CA (within the LA county region). ^^ If any ladies are around the area, hit me up. Just ask for the owner ^^
Address: 9410 E Las Tunas Drive, Temple City CA 91780

Terry Chan @desunation
commented on
New Anime Store: Desu-Nation
Terry Chan @desunation
We have a sale happening during Thanksgiving Weekend.
If you have facebook here are the details:
For those of you who don't use FB....
- All merchandise excluding card games will be 15% off.
- All Store Members will get 20% off (card games get 10-15% off) instead of 15%.
- If you spend more than $150, we will include a gift!
- Since so many people have asked for discount on cards, all Store members get 10-15% off on cards! (Discount depends on how much you purchase, the more the better the discount)

dsquare @dsquare
commented on
New Anime Store: Desu-Nation
dsquare @dsquare
why does it have to be ladies? I'm in the LA area and I'd like to go shopping! psh!
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