What will we be in the future?

portalmaker @zetsuboulight
What will we be in the future?
portalmaker @zetsuboulight
As each generation passes, more variety of people are gaining equal rights. Women's rights, gay's rights and so forth. We as the new generation proudly deem ourselves the solution to all of life's problems.
But just as the gays of today and the blacks of yesterday fought against those who clung to old ideas of the previous generation. Does that mean that when we grow up, will we become like the older generation before us, denying rights to those who deserve it? I mean 100 years ago people laughed at minority rights. Not anymore. So will we become like the older generation before to be deemed the "problem"
I mean take for example robots. Once robots become technoloically advanced enough that we can no longer tell the difference between human and robot emotion, will we then deny them rights and our children champion the opposite?
Sure you would laugh at the idea, but so did the people 100 years ago said about minority and gay rights.

TheOneWhoWishesToFly @theonewhowishestofly
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What will we be in the future?
TheOneWhoWishesToFly @theonewhowishestofly
Who knows what what the future will bring. I certainly hope that I won't ever become so close-minded as to allow myself to think I get the right to chose who gets and does not get rights. I'm also not against giving robots rights, if they ever get that advanced in my life time.

JokersWild @jokerswild
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What will we be in the future?
JokersWild @jokerswild
oh give me a break, we are going to end up wiping each other out before we progress far enough for it to matter.
Nukes FTW!!!

Kimiko @kimiko
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What will we be in the future?
Kimiko @kimiko
I don't care as long as I get to watch anime and play video games while eating some nice chocolate in peace.

JokersWild @jokerswild
commented on
What will we be in the future?
JokersWild @jokerswild
Kimiko you may have just found nirvana

MissAnthropic @missanthropic
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What will we be in the future?
MissAnthropic @missanthropic
we are already slaves.... "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/income-inequality-in-america-chart-graph

Kronos @kronos
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What will we be in the future?
Kronos @kronos
An interestnig question. Too bad I'll probably be dead before I find out the answer. It would be nice to see how the different rights movements turn out (hopefully for the better).

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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What will we be in the future?
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
It's impossible to judge the morality of a civilization in the present, or judge its actions through the eyes of a future tense. It's interesting to think about, but futile in the end. Morality is a concept that lives in the majority. Murder is only a crime because the vast majority of human beings denounce it. The same applies to theft, rape, torture and many other things. So far in - every generation - that moral compass shifts slightly and values change.
Who knows where our moral compass will point in 100 years. As we live right now we would like to think that we're more fair, objective and humane that any generation before us but what if in the future the rules change? What if capital punishment beomes a history lesson? What if abortion becomes a heinous crime? What if the killing of an animal for anything other than food becomes a form of murder?

Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
commented on
What will we be in the future?
Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
Depends how far lol

TheCrimsonAlchemist @thecrimsonalchemist
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What will we be in the future?
TheCrimsonAlchemist @thecrimsonalchemist
I wish I had more hope for future generations, but right now I just don't know. When I was a kid and the Internet first came out, I thought the concept of free information for all would mean the end of all wars. Instead, the Internet has become a tool for misinformation and propaganda and the situation worldwide has only gotten worse since then. In 100 years, I'll be happy if we haven't wiped ourselves all out (or been wiped out by sentient androids, whom I would like to give certain rights as long as they abide by the laws of robotics).
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