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Help with something on my mind

I've been in not a lot of relationships and I know I'm young,but I really don't feel connected to anyone besides a few friends and family,but when I see romance things like anime or movies, I really know that I want to find a relationship like that.
You're not alone. But it's actually very rare to find a real life romance that competes with the fantasy of anime or movies. Real life is much more complicated and dirty and filled with unpleasant practicalities.
when you see romance in anime or movies just remember it's not real. If you hold out for those type of people or relationships you'll be alone for a really long time. It's all exaggerated idealism to the point of impossibility. The real world is cruel ugly harsh and unforgiving. It's pretty much like vampire_neko said.
Jan 27, 15 at 5:15pm
vampire is right. In real life, people and situations are much much more complicated and not necessarily in a way that would make a good story.
It's hard.. but don't give up. I say the majority of people do not find those special bonds formed in their relationships because dating today is a game of he's cute/ she's cute. If you take the time to find a compatible partner that you can honestly vibe with, a personality that meshes with yours and makes you feel truly comfortable and at ease you are golden. Those amazing surreal feelings will arise. But most people only chase pretty faces, those that they physically desire disregarding the personality that comes along with the body. Not to say chemistry isn't important, but if what you really want is that "connection" then keep on the lookout for love.. don't let the lustful thirst overwhelm you. Hope that makes sense.
Yeah maybe some of you are right about the fact that this kind of love doesn't exists,but I want to remain hopeful for awhile, what can I say i'm hopeless haha
It may be because you are still young. You want a relationship, yet you don't want a relationship at the same time. All I can say is just go with the flow and wait till life gives you love... ...At least, that is what I am doing...
yeah,maybe it's because I'm a teenager and I still don't know
Jan 27, 15 at 9:33pm
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Only thing I feel connected to/love; Anime. Sure if I was back in my world, that be my mother(Don't tell her that or I'll cut you). But here in this world, Anime is the only thing I love, everything else is just fake smiling. Currently trying to build my harem, but hard to get all my waifus to agree with that. http://i.imgur.com/lxAPeFk.jpg But for you, I would just let life throw you a girl or something. Just be yourself and if you are accepted for that, that is the beginning of love, or connection at least.
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