Am I doomed to be Single forever?

stratify @stratify
Am I doomed to be Single forever?
stratify @stratify
I'm a Korean who pretty much did nothing but watch anime, play games, and study throughout college. Well, now I graduated, got a relatively successful professional career, but have zero social life.
I believe the main problem is my autistic nature and eccentric behavior. I got zero game. I spend most of my life playing StarCraft 2 and laughing at articles on
I got very few people who I can call friends, have very little dating experience, my jokes are all crude, japanese, and elementary.
I've hit on a few girls during college, who expressed some interest, but I always end up ruining it with my awkwardness.
I tried so hard to learn how to socialize and all that, ended up in utter failure.
What do I do?

Kimiko @kimiko
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Am I doomed to be Single forever?
Kimiko @kimiko
Everything takes practice, and you will always have rejection. I myself don't have that many friends, stay at home all the time, and always end up being awkward around people. That doesn't mean I should loose hope on finding someone, it just means I need to open up a bit more. There's someone out there who will like you just for who you are, just keep trying. There's all types of people out there. It took me my whole childhood to find someone who was nice to me and a good friend. I was always a loner and picked on at school but I didn't give up. Just try harder, put yourself out there, be confident and don't worry about what other people think. All it takes is patience and courage.

ranmasramen122 @ranmasramen122
commented on
Am I doomed to be Single forever?
ranmasramen122 @ranmasramen122
I just want to let you know I know what you're going through as I too am a bit socially awkward due to having Autism (high functioning autism to be exact) and really don't have much dating experience either although I didn't watch anime and play video games when I was younger (I didn't get my first video game console until I was 18 and it was a N64, and I didn't start watching anime until I was 20 so that wasn't an issue) but the fact that I have Autism worked against me when I was in Elementary, Junior High, and High School so because of that I never was able to go out with any girls or have any girlfriends in school because they thought I had a "contagious disease" so I was pretty much a loner in school, I had a little bit of a "social life" in high school but it was only with the guys not much with the girls. I do get out every once in a while but I can't get out to bars or social clubs to meet women because of the fact that I can't and won't drink, and also "clubbing" isn't me. So I hope it helps you to know you aren't alone in your feeling.

CasioMaker @otacon85
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Am I doomed to be Single forever?
CasioMaker @otacon85
As Kimiko mentioned before, it's just a matter of practice. But also, patience and hard work. Things are never easy in life, but when you keep trying and trying, at the end there's always a reward.

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Am I doomed to be Single forever?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Stratify I know the feeling and I will share the little wisdom I have. Big problem we Otaku have is we get into games that take too much of our life's time. Make a rule about gaming and time your self. If we are always playing games and don't get out we are reducing our chances of finding each other. Second, make sure you are who you want to be or at least have a plan and working towards it. That will give you and idea of what you like to talk about and girls like guys with a plan in life. As for the awkward jokes watch them girls like funny guys but they need to be in good taste. Besides not being Korean we are very similar. And like you ranmaramen. I feel i got into the stuff I love real late and miss out on school romances and all the stuff we Otaku love. A shame I am trying to make up for lost time. Shin up there's still time.

gamerguy171 @gamerguy171
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Am I doomed to be Single forever?
gamerguy171 @gamerguy171
All I have to suggest from my experience is that dating is a lot easier than you think it is. Just go out to social events like conventions, or find local get-togethers online. Once there, just go up and start talking to people you never met before. Sure, some might think you are weird, but you will likely never see them again, and if you do, they probably won't remember you. This is a hard thing to get used to, people are inherently afraid of rejection so it is hard to do this for the first few times. If your conversation with someone goes well, just ask them for their number, texting is a wonderful way to get to know someone better from a safe distance. The idea is to eventually ask them to meet up again and do something casual, after that first meeting you can both determine if you are comfortable dating, if so congrats, if not, try again.
While this is a long and generic process, the key steps are all there. It is hard to get past that wall of embarrassment, but once you do, you will be able to start meeting people often.
Websites like this also work for the first encounter, but it makes getting to the second step of the relationship much harder because if you have not met each other face to face before, there is a huge wall of embarrassment to pass.
Lastly, get used to rejection, it WILL happen. In fact I would guess that for every eight dates, only one of them will work out.
One other thing I have learned, is no matter how lonely you feel, posting about how lonely you are only makes you worse off in some cases. Unfortunately this type of comment only attracts pity, not attraction, they are two different sections of the emotional scale and can pull somebody down the wrong path of feelings about you.
Sorry to ramble on a bit, but I hope my advice helps.

piercedrocker @piercedrocker
commented on
Am I doomed to be Single forever?
piercedrocker @piercedrocker
hmm sounds familiar what i did do one thing thats out of your comfort zone a week wether its screaming in public or just danceing randomly sounds wierd but it worked for me ^^

konad13 @konad13
commented on
Am I doomed to be Single forever?
konad13 @konad13
Keep at it, my friend. It's the only thing to do. Someday you'll meet a girl in the same/similar situation and I'm sure you two will hit it off

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
commented on
Am I doomed to be Single forever?
BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
one is the lonlest number... I realy wish I had a wine cooler Idk what to say just heart broken and feeling realy crapy ...

jessie @nicechan
commented on
Am I doomed to be Single forever?
jessie @nicechan
aw, im kinda in the same situation..
maybe you should go out with me!~ :P
hehe jks ;)
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