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Anime Fighting Team

This is just for fun. Make a list of any anime characters you want on your fighting team. Mine would be: Brawler: Sesshomaru http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kF8tS8FMCuM/UEzea3nXPII/AAAAAAAAExo/X7RsrWlQZQI/s1600/sesshomaru_smiling.jpg Leader: Najenda http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121022070744/akamegakill/images/3/3f/Najenpro.png Medic: Tsunade http://images.wikia.com/naruto/fr/images/e/e3/Tsunade_sama.jpg Ranged: Ayato http://31.media.tumblr.com/0259a49c4de9eec7d7c685d867a3d148/tumblr_ncwxv011da1u0sdweo1_500.jpg Fighter: Kenshin http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/697/228322-429601_large.jpg
Hmm...interesting...Maybe.... Brawler - Hei http://www.pureanimegallery.com/d/3080-2/Dark-Hei.jpg Leader - Lelouch http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/0/4747/1194230-lelouch_zexyness.jpg Medic - Orihime http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/93/OrihimeAnimeEp139.jpg Ranged - Hawkeye http://www.absoluteanime.com/fullmetal_alchemist/riza[2].jpg Fighter - The Major http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/276/1/e/ghost_in_the_shell___major_by_deturis-d2zzlxn.jpg
Jan 24, 15 at 4:15pm
Everyone picks Lelouch it seems.
Excuse the lack of pictures but I would like to post my list Brawler: Revy Leader:Light Yagami Medic:Haku Ranged:Deadshot Fighter:Goku but limited to Kaio-ken x10 Let me know what you think everyone.
Jan 24, 15 at 4:41pm
I only posted pictures so everyone could see what the characters look like. ^^ I like your list.
Oh...okay now I don't feel so left out
Jan 24, 15 at 4:53pm
Pictures aren't a must.
Define the differences between "Fighter" and "Brawler" besides the weapon would you? As for my team... Hmmm... http://i.imgur.com/ePWeGe4.jpg For CQC(Close Quarters Combat) http://i.imgur.com/Jrohk1b.jpg Rias Gremory as the Leader http://i.imgur.com/qb5IRFT.jpg Gintoki Sakata as the Fool/Trickster(I don't know any medics to pick) http://i.imgur.com/Y6FzpN3.jpg Hatsune Miku for Ranged combat(I can choose her if I want!)"This is just for fun." http://i.imgur.com/C8WetSw.jpg And myself, Ichirai Shonin as the Back-up/Attack Summoner(Mage, which I guess I can work as a medic...)
Jan 24, 15 at 5:04pm
I think everyone has a different opinion of a brawler and fighter. My version of a brawler is a close combat high damaging character with quite a bit of defense. As for a fighter they are usually faster close combat characters with little defense, but that's just my opinion.
Hmmm, well I think ED does somewhat have a good defense. As for myself... Think of me as kenpachi... Gets cut up like a boss then kills the enemy.
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