Lets try something different...
zerostarxx @zerostarxx
Lets try something different...
zerostarxx @zerostarxx
So I was just messaging some fellow otakus on here,and some of them told me they havent even messaged or received any messages from anyone except me. So I thought we should change that. We're all almost alike. Some of us are shy,some of us are afraid of being told that we're boring and arent fun to talk to. I get that,and i understand why you are afraid to message people. But we're a community. We are all nerds and geeks who long for belonging and acceptance. This site,right here,is OUR community. Lets change who we are and become outgoing for once :D
So what i would for everyone to do is write a whole paragraph about themselves,write in youre likes and dislikes. And whoever reads it/if you see someone who is interesting,going ahead and messages them and say hello :)
Ill start :3
zerostarxx @zerostarxx
commented on
Lets try something different...
zerostarxx @zerostarxx
Hi there,im Zero,but my real name is Adrian :)
Im 5'9,21 years old,and currently a college student at University of Texas Pan-American. I play basketball for my University,Point Guard position and I am majoring in Psychology. Final Fantasy,Legend of Zelda and Kingdom Hearts are my top games of all time,never go a day without playing. I drive an 02 Mustang,her name is Epona,and Link's horse :p nervous around women at first,im a shy guy. I like to make people laugh,i also love texting long paragraphs to people. I like keeping the conversation long and interesting. I own a PS4,so if you would like to game sometime,let me know :D
Likes: videogames,anime,texting,long romantic walks to the fridge,girls who wear glasses,love when girls wear thigh/knee high socks(i dunno,its just a turn on ._.),and so much more.
Dislikes: Potheads,heavy drinkers,swag fags,the word "Bae" and "Yolo",slow drivers,slow walkers,politics,people who look over to see what im texting. And most importantly,boring conversation keepers. You knowt,when they only reply with 2-4 words and sometimes only replying with "LOL". IT PISSES ME OFF SO BAD!!! >.<
kakineteitoku @kakineteitoku
commented on
Lets try something different...
kakineteitoku @kakineteitoku
Zerostarxx, I've always read or been told that being called an otaku or calling yourself an otaku is a bad thing, do you know why.
and yes I know otaku is part of this sites name
neeto @neet_one
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Lets try something different...
neeto @neet_one
kakineteitoku, yeah it is. It's like calling yourself a bastard (kind of the same for NEETs and hikkimori). I think most people in western anime communities don't realize that fact though. It's like what calling someone a nerd used to be like before hipsters decided to make it cool, it's meant to be more insulting than anything. People in japan usually use it in a derogatory manner and it's usually reserved for the creepy fat losers obsessed with something(anything) to the point of it being their whole life. You don't even need to like anime to be an otaku in japan. A train otaku for example might never have seen an anime in their life. Same for military otaku. People in western committees simply took the word and assumed it was what you call anyone who even has a passive interest anime/manga. I think the only true otaku who openly call themselves otaku are the ones that have grown to accept themselves for the social outcasts that they are and just don't give a fug anymore.
Manga_bird @manga_bird
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Lets try something different...
Manga_bird @manga_bird
neeeeeeeet...what's a hikkimori?
Ace_akai @ace_akai
commented on
Lets try something different...
Ace_akai @ace_akai
Hikkimori are people who have "withdrawn" from social life. They usually stay at home all day and never go out. This can go on for years. This effect could be attributed to some kind of social condition, such as extreme social anxiety. A good example of a hikkimori would be Satou Tatsuhiro from Welcome to the NHK or Komori Kiri from Sayonnara Zetsubou sensei.
Amrod @amrodcalanor
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Lets try something different...
Amrod @amrodcalanor
message me I'll message back lol. Only when Im at work bored ;D
neeto @neet_one
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Lets try something different...
neeto @neet_one
yeah ace_akai hit the nail on the head.
meister24 @meister24
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Lets try something different...
meister24 @meister24
I'm not so sure if everyone has the time and attention span to read a whole paragraph. Keep it to three short bullet points of yourself, send the person a message and he/she is more likely to read.
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
commented on
Lets try something different...
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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