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why cant i get a girlfriend? am i ugly?

just keep trying fam you will find a good one eventually
If you rely on waiting for someone to pick you up don't be upset when the selection is poor and infrequent. There is maybe %0.00003 of people that want a rescue as an ideal mate, pets have better odds with this strategy. Having said that I had a couple great relationships where the girl picked me up but they were the exception more than the rule without a doubt. Sometimes they see you as a turd they can polish to fit their agenda and can be a very unhealthy influence. Sometimes they see the diamond in the rough no one else sees and are happy to help make it shine for all to see. Control your destiny or be happy being controlled.
If you have to ask if you're ugly because nobody will date you, you don't have a shot with many women. Grow a set of balls and gain confidence. Girls love a confident guy, not somebody who wallows in self-pity. If you show self-confidence, it will show to others, and make you look more attractive.
i ask if im ugly because every damn girl i have ever been interested in totally doesnt like me i recently like 3 days ago got turned down by a girl
I know how you feel it happens to me a lot or if I like someone they get awkward around me
Dude. It's all about confidence. If you act confident, it'll work out. While looks play a part, yes, most women want a guy that has a good personality. If you come off as dejected/rejected, or FEEL as if you're ugly, people notice and it makes you look unattractive from a personality stance. tldr - have confidence in yourself, put on a happy face, and just be yourself.. just happy.
kakashe, raw hot or not looks is only a part of the equation man. It is also partly how you present yourself and conduct yourself. Body language reflects our natures and attitudes. I don't know you IRL so I will give some common examples. A soft/faint smile as your default facial pose makes you more approachable. Make sure you are aware of your posture, stand tall. Don't look like a solider but when you walk lead with your feet not leaning your head and torso forward a bunch. If you look downtrodden and sad (regardless of how you feel at the time) you will not get on some girls radars by default. A significant other, while bringing good and bad as in any relationship, is in the pursuit of happiness and will be on the lookout for people who look at ease. With practice and effort you can be so scared of a girl you want to eject from this universe but can look calm and collected and strike up a convo anyway. It's not being deceptive unless you are presenting yourself as something you are not. It's called self control and proficiently demonstrating it can attract certain women who recognize it. Those things are in some parts pieces to the mystical confidence everyone talks about. They can be learned, you don't have to be born with it.
First, asking that question makes it hard for girls to approach you. Not because you can't get a girlfriend but that you are focusing on it. Second, what kind of effort have you made to ask girls on dates, approach them, show interest etc?
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