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why cant i get a girlfriend? am i ugly?

been struggling to get one for some time now and i have had little luck i met one girl but that didnt work out, i think its cause i dont talk alot
You just need to learn how to talk to women and show your good sides. , , , alternative: pullouta12inchcockforbetterresults
These things aren't easy for anyone. Just keep at it and don't loose faith, let alone start beating yourself up.
Just keep trying. Confidence is the key.
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The key to a girls heart are smiley faces. Bitches love smiley faces.
Yes, dogs do like smiley faces... "since bitches are female dogs" - Grandom If you are in a conversation, think of it as catch, when you are thrown a ball, try tossing a few questions/ideas back. If a conversation doesn't work, there's always... http://i.imgur.com/zphX6oI.jpg Random it I guess...
You should probably stop looking...I doubt girls like it when a guy makes the effort anyways... Just go about your daily business and wait till life gives you one ...At least, that is my approach now
It's hard to say not personally knowing you but you don't strike me as ugly. Some girls find quiet guys as insecure but the best thing you can do is try to put yourself in situations that force you to be more out going and talkative. It took me awhile to break out of my shell and I sometimes still feel I'm too much of a wallflower.
I agree with Ace. Dont stress about it. Just do your own thing. Make friends, hang out. You will catch someones eye and they will come to you. Better than getting all depressed when things dont work out for you :l
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