AFI fans

acloakedschemer @acloakedschemer
AFI fans
acloakedschemer @acloakedschemer
anyone else on here a fan of AFI?
they've been my favourite band for ten years and I love meeting other fans!

robot_nyan @robot_nyan
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AFI fans
robot_nyan @robot_nyan
Im a fan :3
Random question: what do you think of Davey and Jade's side project Blaqk Audio?

acloakedschemer @acloakedschemer
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AFI fans
acloakedschemer @acloakedschemer
i LOVE Blaqk Audio
i want them to release Bright Black Heaven TT-TT

robot_nyan @robot_nyan
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AFI fans
robot_nyan @robot_nyan
YAY! Someone else who loves them! I also wish I could see both AFI and Blaqk Audio live as I havent yet :(

acloakedschemer @acloakedschemer
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AFI fans
acloakedschemer @acloakedschemer
I know a girl who went to an afi concert because she won them,
and she left.
I was so pissed at her

robot_nyan @robot_nyan
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AFI fans
robot_nyan @robot_nyan
No way! Why the hell would you leave? That defies all logic lol

robot_nyan @robot_nyan
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AFI fans
robot_nyan @robot_nyan
Or "why the hell would she leave?" is what I should have typed lol XD

acloakedschemer @acloakedschemer
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AFI fans
acloakedschemer @acloakedschemer
she said they sucked.
"the singer couldnt sing" according to her
my other friend afterwards was like "dude you looked like you were going to rip her throat out

robot_nyan @robot_nyan
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AFI fans
robot_nyan @robot_nyan
:o she said that about Davey?! How rude... Clearly she is a moron lol I'd have done it- then told her to sing afterwards just to tell her she sounded like a cat in a blender >:)

acloakedschemer @acloakedschemer
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AFI fans
acloakedschemer @acloakedschemer
ugh exactly, and she is a terrible singer
I'm just glad she didn't say anything about Jade
I might have killed her XD
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