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Virgin Talk

Jan 22, 15 at 4:39pm
huh, you're right. Somehow missed the (casual sex) part.
There's nothing evil or wrong with having sex or not having it (or with whom). In some countries certain relationships are illegal but that's simply a social code and varies from country to country - breaking the law has repercussions within that society but there is no objective morality. For me I'm a near virgin. I experimented in my early 20's at a brothel but found it duller than my own imagination. Since then I've been holding out for 'true love' as any other form of sex is unsatisfactory. If it doesn't happen though it doesn't happen - In one sense I'm happy enough to observe the world myself without the troubles that a relationship brings; whilst paradoxically at the same time wondering what such a relationship would be like :/
Jan 22, 15 at 9:51pm
Think Ace and Neet summed up my opinion. Though why is this still going on, Obviously people are going to have different views on it, Just like with everything else.
Jan 22, 15 at 10:05pm
sex is overrated. why is sex overly sexualized itself? have safe sex. have sex with the right kind of people.
Jan 23, 15 at 10:07am
wouldn't it feel better to have sex wit hthe person you also have deep feelings for? Well that's what i believe o.o so I'm just waiting
Y'all can do whatever you choose. Sex is natural. It's instinctual. Waiting is fine, whatever, but you're foolish in my eyes. I'm not saying be a slut, either, don't mistaken me, but waiting....and waiting... and waiting... you wanna be with somebody, most people are gonna get bored and walk away. Just saying.
Jan 23, 15 at 5:55pm
im a virgin and proud! *^* LOL
Jan 28, 15 at 8:15pm
Being a Christian, there is only one main verse that pops into my mind, and that's at the very beginning of the bible. (Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.") Sex is a part of human nature, and if it is God's will, as well as his command, then I don't see how anyone could possibly say that sex is dirty or impure... I do however find it tainted and twisted if it is with someone to just "Bust a nut" or just have "Casual sex"... Sex is a beautiful thing, the same as it is beautiful to be a virgin. A virgin could be like me whenever they decide, but I could never again be like them, that's beautiful in a way :3 (Grats Berachi, -cyber pat on the head-) And I could never regret my first time (If I had to describe how magical it was, a singing unicorn sliding down a rainbow wouldn't even be close) So just respect yourself and your body, no matter how experienced or inexperienced you are, because it doesn't matter in the end, we are all human, and deserve love.
Cero @cero commented on Virgin Talk
Feb 02, 15 at 11:55pm
This account has been suspended.
Feb 03, 15 at 10:16pm
I am a virgin as well. I have difficulties talking to girls sometimes, but the main cause is that I haven't met many girls. I had very few common ground with the ones that I have met. So yeah... I also have the syndrome of bad luck it seems (Reminds me of Touma from Index xD ). Maybe I should just lower my standards?
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