Tattoos? :o

gone @socrates
Tattoos? :o
gone @socrates
Y'know, I've always been curious: do people really find tattoos attractive?<br>
Personally, I like a guy that has maybe one on the arm or back, but when they're sheathed in them, it's kind of scary! That and I get too distracted because I admire the artwork. xDD;;<br>
So how do you all feel about either the opposite or same sex getting inked? :o Yay or nay?

gone @socrates
commented on
Tattoos? :o
gone @socrates
Oh! And feel free to talk about your own tattoos, if you have them! :3

Zen94 @zen94
commented on
Tattoos? :o
Zen94 @zen94
small ones can be nice but I find tattoos kinda gross

Sobi @sobi
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Tattoos? :o
Sobi @sobi
It depends on the person and tattoo. I have one of my own, but it have meaning for me and can easily be hidden since it's on my calf. I definitely want more too. If someone got on just because it's "cool" then it's definitely a turn off, but if I meed someone who gives me a story and meaning behind theirs it's a turn on. I absolutely can't stand when people get like the Kanji and have no idea what it means.

Sobi @sobi
commented on
Tattoos? :o
Sobi @sobi
It depends on the person and tattoo. I have one of my own, but it has meaning for me and can easily be hidden since it's on my calf. I definitely want more too. If someone got one just because it's "cool" then it's definitely a turn off, but if I meet someone who gives me a story and meaning behind theirs it's a turn on. I absolutely can't stand when people get like the Kanji and have no idea what it means.

CaiserZero @caiserzero
commented on
Tattoos? :o
CaiserZero @caiserzero
personally not a fan. its just so permanent... i mean what if you get sick of it? or you grow out of it?
yea you can get it laser removed but its expensive. i rather use that money and travel to some place nice =)
also not a fan of it on someone i want to date... i prefer gurls who are more natural...

robot_nyan @robot_nyan
commented on
Tattoos? :o
robot_nyan @robot_nyan
I find them attractive haha. Guess it depends on the type of person. I have a few... Kinda big ones lol. But Im strange and quite enjoy getting them done. Yeah its permanent and so on and so forth but life isn't so its not all that bad :) live in the now an' all that

Kiwi_Foxxit @kiwi_foxxit
commented on
Tattoos? :o
Kiwi_Foxxit @kiwi_foxxit
... Tattoos on the arms? One or a million. I have a bit of a weak spot for that. I kinda melt when I see it. @.@

JokersWild @jokerswild
commented on
Tattoos? :o
JokersWild @jokerswild
totally getting them japanese style, go yakuza on all your asses woot woot

animegirl86 @animegirl86
commented on
Tattoos? :o
animegirl86 @animegirl86
i love tattoos^^ will upload them on my profile now but ya if your going for one i strongly recommmend you think about what your having other and other again because once its there its there for life so think about it
also look around find a good tattooist be warned thou cheaper tattoos is wha you pay for if i was go for expericanced tattooist not sure where your from but uk tattooist have to have a licence so i highly recomend you someone who you trust too
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