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Open Relationship \(-u-)/

Jan 10, 15 at 11:36am
So I have a married friend that has an open relationship, her husband and her love each other very much and have been together for 13 years and are the best couple I've ever meet ! They date other people sometime times even of the same sex or the same person ! So I just wanted your thoughts: What do you like or dislike about this ? Would you ever try this type of relationship ? If you're already in this kind or relationship, what do you recommend or suggest? Also if I'm using the wrong term for this please feel free to correct me
Maybe it's just me and how I am but if I love someone enough to marry them there is no way I could share the very thought of letting them go around date and whatever is painful. Plus I would have made a vow to person to love them and only them there is no way I would turn those words to a lie. My opinion to me they shouldn't be married if they're going to do that regardless if they love each other. Just my thoughts sorry if my thoughts offend you.
This just shows the trust between the two.
It just reeks of selfishness in my opinion. I mean, at least they have agreed on it, but to me it's like saying "You're not enough.". I had the chance for a threesome on several occasions and I couldn't even do that. My emotions are to strong for the woman I'm with and I suppose it's also a bit selfish, but she is mine and I am her's. For the short term excitemen, it wouldn't be worth the long term damage I would forsee for me. It's not making a full commitment for the one you married, just my humble opinion .
A lot of the time, it's not about dating another person, it's just about sex. I think that it works if both people are open to it. If one person doesn't want it, then trouble could arise. Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, no matter how much you try to communicate, if your sexual needs aren't being met you might search elsewhere. This could lead to breakups, cheating, and other problems in a relationship. In an open or swinging relationship, you could fulfill those needs but still be with the one you love as long as there is open communication between you and your partner. I think in a lot of situations, couples become too comfortable with their sexual routines without knowing how to spice things up and it lacks excitement. I think that both people must agree about when it happens and who with so there is a comfort in the new experience. By swinging, they can explore new sexual pleasures and take it home. Take for example foreplay. A lot of women fail to get fully aroused due to a lack of foreplay. Maybe their partner isn't touching them in the right spots, maybe they're not doing it long enough. By witnessing someone else do it and seeing your partner's reaction, you can have a different perspective on how to turn on your partner. A lot of couples even enjoy watching their partner have sex with someone else. I don't know if I'd ever try this type of relationship, it's easy to say yes or no because I haven't been in a situation that has made me decide whether or not to do it. My advice is to just communicate with your partner about your sexual needs. It may hurt their ego and it may be uncomfortable, but you need to make sure you're both being satisfied. At the end of the day, whether you decide to swing or stay sexually active with only your partner you have to remember who you go home to and you don't want to hurt them. If you feel that you want to try swinging, talk about your rules and boundaries with your partner and the partner/s you'll be with. I'd ask for an STD test because you don't know how many partners they've had, and definitely make sure your partner is using a condom to prevent any STDs. Planned Parenthood has thin condoms at $3 for a 12 pack so the excuse that they're too expensive is bull. If your new partners are not safe, walk out.
Jan 10, 15 at 12:57pm
Can't say I'd ever want to be in that kind of relationship, but to each their own. If they're both okay with it then more power to them as they say.
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Jan 10, 15 at 1:19pm
I don't really see the problem, i think it CAN work and help to stabalise the relationship. But mostly in a very young or a very old relationship. Inbetween its kinda dangerous.
It's not the relationship that bothers me it's the fact they do it while they're married. Marriage is supposed to be between two people who love each other (be it straight or gay couple) not two people and every person they want to date and screw. That's my main dislike. And again sorry if my opinion offends anyone
Jan 10, 15 at 3:06pm
Wow this got really active I enjoy all the feed back and everyone's opinion is welcome ! As for this couple that I a speaking of they're not a very sexual couple. I've noticed people are taking this as "they are just having sex with other people" While that may be fact for some couples, my friends are usually committed to dating, getting to know some one in other words! Now this might have been my fault for hastily word my original prompt but they have had long meaningful relationships with other people, but that hasn't lessened they're love for one another. However this is just about a general ideas an feelings on the subject so feel free to go with whatever opinion you feel is right ! c:
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