Creating manga
litapp22 @littleapp22
Creating manga
litapp22 @littleapp22
So ive always had some good ideas for short stories and long stories that i felt would be perfect for manga, but ive never been good at drawing or writing.
Grandom @grandom
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Creating manga
Grandom @grandom
Try selling your ideas
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
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Creating manga
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
Get good at writing and at least find an artist. If you can come up with good ideas you have good writing potential. Trust me. P.m or talk on here and maybe I can assist on a short project.
litapp22 @littleapp22
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Creating manga
litapp22 @littleapp22
Ive thought many times on selling my ideas, but always hated the tought that they could change the ways i see things. An for sure I defently want to talk about my ideas for help and dont mind here thoughts and opinions. for what i should do.
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
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Creating manga
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
Selling your ideas can't be all too profitable seeing as any worthwhile manga artist could come up with a decent plot synopsis in 10 minutes.
1. Sosuke nakamura is a nerd for astrology and stares at the night sky every evening. One night he notices something peculiar there's no longer any stars. The night is completely black. Befuddled he does everything he can to figure out what happened, when suddenly the lights in his room go out.
There's nothing but pitch black everywhere. He looks outside and the city is slowly being consumed by this darkness. He follows the path of fading lights but notices people are not surprised at all. In fact everything is quite normal except the darkness. This panics him more and he continues running until he finds a clearing with 9 other people there. In the middle of them is darkhole spinning and slowly pulling light and small objects into it. Once there the other people look as suprised as him. They can see too, it seems. They talk and a light protrudes the faint darkness. Each persons chest glows with a flame of light. They all stare in awe until the darkhole pulls their flames along with the bodies into the hole. Once there they see a machine pulling the darkness and a mysterious creature. It attacks them and tries to take the flames killing 3 of the people in the process. Long story short they figure out how to turn their soul fires into weapons and it becomes a battle shonen.
litapp22 @littleapp22
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Creating manga
litapp22 @littleapp22
That sounded so dope, you really no how to put feel into it which i cant do. You see i have great ideas but cant start.
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
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Creating manga
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
Thank you. Well give me some of your ideas and we can maybe pin-point your source of trouble.
litapp22 @littleapp22
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Creating manga
litapp22 @littleapp22
Well Ok i got one her a girl wakes up in a wierd world she has no reculecions of what is going on. In this world a dark figure has tooken over the world giving people anazia then having them fight to the death, every thime the main character sleeps she hers voices call her. Well it turn out she has been in her own mind with has been tookin over buy a dark force. since she doesnt remember the things she thought up the things dont remeber her or where they are at. the dark figure is slowly killing off the happiness thats was keeping her alive. Now she has to fight back and defeat the darkness. she was in a coma
Idk somethong like that, but not sure, i have more thought on it, but that just one of the shorter story i got in my head.
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
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Creating manga
Dalton_Dark Prince @dalton
Yea, it's pretty average, with a lot of clichés and plot let downs. How did you plan it out? That's equally as important I think maybe you're relying to heavy on other stuff you've seen. Which is really common for most people.
To list off my problems clearly for you I have.
1. Almost every anime for the past 5 years has featured annoying levels of amnesia, it's the easiest way to set up tension without feeling the need to setup backstory.
2. The dark figure giving everyone amnesia can maybe fix problem one, however the addition of it "all being in her head" kills it. Imagine if in Naruto, Sauske didn't actually exist and the Uchiha clans genocide was actually in Narutos head. It makes you feel like an idiot for being sad, or caring, or anything. Sometimes this can be interesting to show a characters relative power to other characters as in the case of Ban Midous Jagan in Getbackers
3. The not remembering things and places is difficult to also portray to the audience, even in the live action Kite film, and Dan Snyders SuckerPunch did it not work properly portray.
4. The story really doesn't have anywhere to go, at best it could be a kind of Inari Kon self exploring story, but that would only work in a movie or one shot manga setting.
litapp22 @littleapp22
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Creating manga
litapp22 @littleapp22
really, that story was just kind of a very short, like i said there would be hints toward her being in a coma, and orignaly when i thought of that story, i saw it staring with her watching her friend getting takin buy the black figure then the black figure, gives her the oppsion to stay home or get her friend. then she awakes up not remebering anything.
But her is a story i got more of a like for
back ground
Over three hundred years a go there was a time when the world was seprete. human lived one land demons the other. Then the human came in to get more land. Cause a great war where humans started to get tookin over and force to kill and humans where exersizing and using weaker demons to bet the demons.
Well after a centruy of fighting five priest make a pat with some demons and aloud themselves to be host to these demons. which lead to end of the war.
actually story
Presant day now. I thought i would have two characters brother and sister who posses demons in them(common now). Are out looking for the demon there dad had controlled.
on there journey they run into another man how is looking for the demon king, to end his life. This character has a demon but no would no till the end. He is the desenct of one of the priest and his family kept a demon with them for the three hundred years.
there many types and classes of demons. demons that live during the war are usally 1st and 2nd generation, which are stronger. There fire, ice, water, and more.
The demon king is try to bring back war. The brother and sister find that there dad was actually controled by the demon king.
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