Anime Milwaukee 2015
Nessu @nestlepanic
Anime Milwaukee 2015
Nessu @nestlepanic
Hello! I'm Seki! I'm currently registered for the upcoming February Anime Con in Milwaukee, and will be going with a few good friends of mine from the MaiOtaku community.
I'm kind of curious, who is all going to AMKE this year? And, if you are going, would you want to possibly meet up?
I've just been wondering about how many people who live in the Midwest, would go to this con.
So, post if you're going, and maybe we can make up some plans? (:
Neishy @neishkeish
commented on
Anime Milwaukee 2015
Neishy @neishkeish
Ayooo. Haha you know that i'm going to AMKE! It'd be really awesome too meet up with more people c:
Skytopgamma @skytopgamma
commented on
Anime Milwaukee 2015
Skytopgamma @skytopgamma
I wish I could make the drive, but I won't be going on any long trips for a while :/ I don't know if I'll have money to go to any cons at all this year with how much it's costing to keep my car running, and the possibility I'll have to get a new one q-q If you guys go to any other cons in the near future, hit me up!
Neishy @neishkeish
commented on
Anime Milwaukee 2015
Neishy @neishkeish
Awh D: That really sucks. I don't think i'm going to go to many cons this year either so it sucks T.T I will definitely contact you about other cons we're going to go too though!! I think the next one we're going to go to is acen, but we may go to a different one this year.
animeloversam @animeloversam
commented on
Anime Milwaukee 2015
animeloversam @animeloversam
Id love to meet up if that's ok. I missed last year so this year.... This will be my first time going to an anime con.
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