Favorite non-anime Japanese movies?

milkeyedmender @milkeyedmender
Favorite non-anime Japanese movies?
milkeyedmender @milkeyedmender
What are some of your favorite non-anime Japanese movies? 964 Pinocchio, Tetsuo: The Iron Man, Tokyo Story, Fireworks, and House are some of my all time favs, Japanese or not

stealthguy @stealthguy
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Favorite non-anime Japanese movies?
stealthguy @stealthguy
hmm, that would be tough as I've seen more dramas than movies. But if I were to name a few, Norwegian Wood, Outrage, Battle Royal (not the second, the second kinda sucked). Hmm, I know there are more, but can't think of their names.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Favorite non-anime Japanese movies?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Tetsuo: The Iron Man was great, I need to drop some acid and watch it sometime because I already felt like I was tripping from just watching it. Also The Machine Girl, Tokyo Gore Police, Meatball Machine, Mutant Girls Squad, Robo-Geisha, Visitor Q, Gozu, Ichi The Killer, Gothic & Lolita Psycho, Gothic Lolita Battle Bear, Vesus, Death Trance, Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead, Deadball, Splatter: Naked Blood, Audition, Kuchisake-onna, Helldriver, Moonchild, Suicide Club, Azumi, Rurouni Kenshin, etc

milkeyedmender @milkeyedmender
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Favorite non-anime Japanese movies?
milkeyedmender @milkeyedmender
Seen any Guinea Pig films?

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Favorite non-anime Japanese movies?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Doesn't sound familiar. Like which ones?

milkeyedmender @milkeyedmender
commented on
Favorite non-anime Japanese movies?
milkeyedmender @milkeyedmender
The Devil's Experiment, The Flower of Flesh and Blood, and Mermaid in a Manhole are the only ones in the series I've seen. They're a series of slasher films with weird psychological-horror premises. Mermaid in a Manhole was my fav of what I saw because the first two are mostly just straight gore, though some of the monologues in The Flower of Flesh and Blood are pretty neat. There's like seven or eight of them total.

DJ T-Tom @theycallmetakeo
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Favorite non-anime Japanese movies?
DJ T-Tom @theycallmetakeo
I haven't seen a whole lot (though the few I did see, were very disturbing). But, I will say that one of my favorite movies to come from Japan is Battle Royale. The tension, the suspense, the brutality, the brilliance of it all. Definitely a good watch, just not for the weak-hearted, trust me on that one.
Of course, it's nowhere near as crazy as Tokyo Gore Police or The Audition.

altair88 @altair88
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Favorite non-anime Japanese movies?
altair88 @altair88
DJ T-Tom has just become my favorite person of the day for my favorite is also Battle Royale. However for completely different reasons. I found the movie to be highly amusing for the simple fact that either the Japanese have superb tolerances for pain or something. Cause they were having complete conversations while getting shot to hell. THough over all I liked it if a few more elements from the manga were put in it would be X rated but still pretty fucking amazing like the one chick that seduced people and killed them.

AkuTenshiiZero @akutenshiizero
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Favorite non-anime Japanese movies?
AkuTenshiiZero @akutenshiizero
I haven't delved very deep into Japanese cinema, but I did see Battle Royale several times when I was a teenager. It's weird because I never liked gore or uber-violent movies, but something about BR made it work.
Now if you want a real journey into the realm of insanity, go watch Wild Zero. It's proof that no matter what country you come from, movies made by musicians are utterly ridiculous.

. @richaadokun
commented on
Favorite non-anime Japanese movies?
. @richaadokun
I like all the original Ju-on films, but really a fan of Japanese horror films in general.
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