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Dating Christians

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Dec 26, 14 at 10:27pm
Soooo.... Are you trying to troll? Key word, "trying ". Just wondering whether to laugh in pity or in pain.
Dec 27, 14 at 6:44pm
Yass that wasn't exactly nice. Maybe the person is serious. then again maybe not. I don't see where religion has to be an issue as long as you are tolerant of each other. I'm not religious but wouldn't care if the girl I dated was as long as she didn't try to push it on me. I have dated atheists, Christians, and at least two girls that were Wiccan. Most were great. Basically I jisr look for someone a little less annoying than myself.
Dec 31, 14 at 2:18am
Depends if she wants to burn me on the stake for not agreeing 100% with her. If not then I dont give a fudge what religion she practices. As long as she doesnt go all fanatical on me.
Are you seriously pretending that christianity holds a minority status?
Jan 24, 15 at 5:33pm
Hopefully someday it will.
Necro alert necro alert!! "Please exit the thread at the designated signs "Relationship Advice" or "Forum", thank you!" Gomen gomen, I just wanted to say that XD
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Jan 24, 15 at 6:14pm
How's life, asch?
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