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Cute Girls

Jan 08, 15 at 10:48pm
You can't just masturbate to a cute girl's profile pic. You have to take it out to dinner first. Maybe a movie. Have a couple drinks and see if it want's to come over for coffee. Then you can start fapping!
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Lol, it's been a long time (many years) since I fapped to a profile pic. Mostly at: http://vampirefreaks.com/
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Jan 08, 15 at 11:06pm
Ilia please remember not all of us are as perverted /lustful. As others.if I were you I'd only send a selfy to ones i trust and believe aren't perverts.
I just fap to porn (mostly amateur stuff). Though I have fapped to ex gf's profile pics a long time ago (while remembering the good old days...). Profile pics aren't usually enough stimulation.
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Why does anyone care if someone faps to your pic? You probably won't know about it anyway. I couldn't care less who faps to my pics. But then I wouldn't care about posting naked pics anyway. (except for legal reasons, like here with underage persons). If I was a girl it was just be an ego boost if some guy fapped to my pic.
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Jan 08, 15 at 11:19pm
Pretty much what Grandom said. It's only a select few very vocal individuals who are really perverted here.
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