Is cheating acceptable?
J @j_oxford
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Is cheating acceptable?
J @j_oxford
Morally, depends on the relationship, but most of the time it's not acceptable. On the other hand part of what drives people to cheat is hormones. We all have the urge to spread our genes to the best partners. It can be resisted, however we all have seen that it's not easy for everyone to resist. I'm not justifying cheating, however that is the subliminal reason that we all see.
xxx @__removed_uguubox
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Is cheating acceptable?
xxx @__removed_uguubox
Cheating isn't good but I don't think someone who cheats is automatically the worst person in the world when i would've thought that when i was younger.
hinoumi @hinoumi
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Is cheating acceptable?
hinoumi @hinoumi
When it is defined as cheating then no it is never acceptable.
There are however certain relationships in which it is fine as everyone involved knows what is happening. Such as polyamorous set ups.
But cheating means to do it behind a significant others back, which is and should be unforgivable :p
UnicornMachete夕優 @unicornmachete
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Is cheating acceptable?
UnicornMachete夕優 @unicornmachete
If a relationship is worth having where those urges occur, then there should be an honest & verbally open agreement.
Or else the relationship will fall apart due to lies more than infidelity, as well as the risk of stds or other illnesses, even pregnancy. People can have an open relationship, some have compersion for their partner (theyre like wtg glad you're satisfied lets go do stuff together after you get your #2 out of your system)...
I have have had success in such endeavors & friends who are polyamorous (or just open). Essentially, that's what cheating is to varying degrees. Lying is lame, it's risky & there is no love or security in it. So, cheating is wrong. Just find a person who will tolerate an open relationship or who is also poly. End of subject. (sorry for typos etc typing on cell is annoying)
}{Shadow}{ @xripxshadow
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Is cheating acceptable?
}{Shadow}{ @xripxshadow
tmiles @tmiles
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Is cheating acceptable?
tmiles @tmiles
Monch21 @monch21
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Is cheating acceptable?
Monch21 @monch21
Cheating isn´t acceptable for me. I enjoy a real trust and understanding relationship, there is no need for cheating unless there isn´t a strong connection. Would leave that woman and move on.
. @richaadokun
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Is cheating acceptable?
. @richaadokun
Absolutely not, and I don't think anything warrants it ever. If there are ever any problems that someone feels can justify cheating, they may as well just break up instead of hurting the other person even more. My two cents.
Illuminous @illuminous
commented on
Is cheating acceptable?
Illuminous @illuminous
No it's not acceptable. If they want to be happy with someone else they should break up with their current partner first and then go with the other new person.
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Is cheating acceptable?
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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