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Is cheating acceptable?

Nov 05, 15 at 9:35pm
I don't see a place for cheating to ever be acceptable. If I'm in a relationship and I feel myself wanting to be with another woman then i'd break up with my girl before I do anything with anyone else.
Nov 05, 15 at 10:47pm
It's so easy to say it was an accident or it was heat of the moment but isn't love, real love, something that isn't so forgettable? So many times when work or money or just life in general becomes unpredictable you start to see your love less because of it but real love wouldnt weaken. Having that feeling of trust in someone so much trust that if it was broken your life would never be the same, this is the backbone of love. There is no reason to ever cheat if you have real love and there is no reason with real love because there simply is no love with anyone else.
Not on any occasion, if a situation warrants cheating then it also warrants breaking up with the person you're cheating on before you do.
Nov 06, 15 at 12:42am
Nov 06, 15 at 1:34am
Yes I believe it is acceptable in certain situations.
Just have an open relationship
Nov 13, 15 at 1:48am
I don't think it is acceptable at all! If you feel the urge to cheat then you obviously don't care about who your in a relationship with very much or else you wouldn't cheat on them.
Absolutely not!
Cheating is unacceptable. It breaks trust instantly and extremely hard to get it back. Never do it.
Nov 15, 15 at 5:41pm
Date a girl thats a little ugly and its less likely she will cheat on you. Thats why you see a lot of guys with ugly girls. Im joking
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