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Is cheating acceptable?

I think cheating in offline games(not being used for competition) is okay.
Lol so it's ok to cheat as Long as there is no prize at the end huh?
Apr 03, 15 at 8:17am
I Knew you cheated kohagura! You were all "Nonono! I'm just really good at this game" but now I have proof!
O.o cheating on a test is totally ... I'll let YOU decide.
Apr 04, 15 at 3:29am
I feel like cheating is not fun in any aspect of life. Life's a game, if you can cheat, then what's the point? but that's just me
Lol you all took this way beyond what I originally meant.
cheating is just lame, its not even fun. idk why you would in the first place. in relationships, 1 woman is about all i can handle :P
Cheating doesn't get you far...(That's when you hack) http://i.imgur.com/UIHmmhs.jpg But being serious, I find it detestable, if you aren't going to give your all in a relationship, then why did you even try in the first place?! If you don't match up, then have the guts to at least say something! Not sharing information is what breaks down any type of discussion, agreement, negotiation, everything. If you can't be open about yourself to each other, you can't gain trust... Although some cases too much information can warrant more harm than good, but no one can know what to say...
I think its just lack of communication and being selfish ,obviously your not happy to be in a relationship if your cheating your girlfriend/boyfriend and you should just tell them not delude yourself into thinking your sparing their feelings by staying with them. And eventually you will get caught.
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