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Spiderman @bboyspiderman
New to the site, Not to the community
Spiderman @bboyspiderman
I literally only have like one or two friends who are truly Otaku and I can talk to about anime/manga stuff.
My best friend is literally 0% into anime/manga/comics/etc.
Also I've never dated anyone even remotely interested in that stuff. My last two girl friends were like 10/10 on the hotness scale, but I couldn't even get them to watch any simple anime like Toradora! or DBZ... So I thought I'd try a "dating" site with that focus in mind.
I hope to meet some cool people here!

Talonvoren @talonvoren
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Talonvoren @talonvoren
Couldn't watch Toradora? That's Blasphemy! lol, anyway. Welcome to the site man, hope you enjoy your stay.

Key @key17
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Key @key17
Well, Spidey you've already achieved much more than many of us on this site I think! lol! Welcome to MO!

jas @jas
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jas @jas
Welcome and stuff!

Mint Alicarth~ @mintalicarth
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Mint Alicarth~ @mintalicarth
Welcome to Mai Otaku!

xx_summer_xx @xx_summer_xx
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xx_summer_xx @xx_summer_xx
Hi merry christmas and stuff! I am new...

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
The new spiderman xD jeez what happened to toby and the other guy...oh well anyway welcome to this idk what to call it XD just say its a pit full of otaku, hope you have fun here

Kaitdx @kaitdx
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Kaitdx @kaitdx
*jumps up and waves* Welcome!

I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
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I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
Welcome to the site and maybe you can encourage them to watch Golden Time for more mature version of toradora.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
100% agree with that ^
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