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American Girls Or Japanese Girls?

My ex was german. She was great, but damn her stubbornness.
Lol that's tsundere stubborn?
Ich bin Deutch. And yes, we seem to be a stubborn lot. Is what it is, brah.
She was caring, but in her own straightforward, dont take shit way. Kinda where I get it from ;)
I like how Rina is saying that you hurt girls feelings cause of threads like this. At least we're open about what we like and don't bullshit or hide it. I don't know how many times girls will lead some poor sap on and have zero intentions on telling that guy that he has no chance cause he's too short or cause he's black or cause he doesn't have this or that. Women are just as picky as men. We're just upfront about what we like. And I can say that most of the guys I've met that said they prefer one race or type over another still gives the other types a chance. For example, I'm not a fan of dating African American chicks at all (for obvious reasons if you were paying attention at all this past weekend) and I still talk to some cause some american black chicks are actually worth my time and effort. I prefer asian chicks over all and yet my last asian chick I dated was a gold digger. One of the worst gf's I ever had.
^ I'm jiko, and I approve this message. http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/150/f/2011/345/9/d/applejack_approved_by_ambris-d4ivlan.png
I had bad experience with African American girls so I tend to be more cautious about it but I would still date them
I am not nessisarily saying it is bad and evil to have preference but if you are looking for a Japanese gf specifically, you are really looking in the wrong place. That is why I directed you to jlist friends cuz those Japanese girls are actively looking for an American boyfriend.
And I am not saying this is a guys only thing either.
Money conquers japanese girls
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