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American Girls Or Japanese Girls?

If you want a Japanese girlfriend, go here: http://friends.jlist.com/welcome/ Not maiotaku, which is an American site and only a few users are from Japan.
Why are you making a big deal out of this again? I still don't get it
Cuz a lot of these guys I have seen say "I've never had a girlfriend" or "I'm a virgin" and I am trying to point out maybe they are looking in the wrong place or showing they have no interest in the girls here.
I like all girls of every nationality. I feel like when someone says "I like this race or this ethnic group because of X", it shows that that person is not basing their attraction on the individual's character. It seems like there's an unhealthy trend of stereotyping a specific race, culture, or nationality based on media or the little first-hand exposure to said culture. The fact of the matter is that every human being is different, regardless of what their nationality or race is. So it's best to look at the individuals themselves and not base an attraction on what you narrowly think [insert ethnic group] is. Let's all be open-minded, shall we?
@Rina alot of the girls here are not looking for a relationship,or is bisexual with a stronger preference to women or lesbian. Not to mention that alot of girls who are otaku do the same thing or make talking a complex puzzle. Your argument is somewhat moot. Someone having a preference doesn't make them a dick. I bet if it was American Boys and Japanese Boys you'd participate and not complain like you're doing now. @fromtheashes People can still have preferences to specific races or nationalities due to features they may have that others may not. Me for instance prefers Caucasian,Asian and Latino girls over Black girls due to features they have I find attractive that Black women don't have. For instance I'm not fond of the way a Black woman's hair isn't really straight and capable of growing long(with some exceptions but it's rare)that's just an example. I don't think media is entirely responsible for this. My two cents.
@Tiger. Speaking as Rina's boyfriend here, I can assure you that if the genders were reversed she'd still have the same opinion on the topic. She feels very strongly about how some people seem to have restricted interests based on shallow stereotyping, which I can relate to. That's not to say that everyone that prefers a certain race or ethnic group is ignorant; some have some strong cases to make based on experience and other examples, for instance. But at the same time, I had an experience where I met a couple girls that didn't want to date black guys because "they seem too ghetto". I also heard from some guys that said "I love Japanese girls because they all sound sweet and innocent". Both of those examples are reprehensible and wrong. Also, while you say that there are a lot of women that are not looking for a relationship, there are (and I say this based on experience) a lot more that are, but haven't been that vocal and are probably just lurking and most likely doing exactly what Rina is saying ("weeding out the dicks"). Though I'd be more tactful with that description. XD As far as your stance based on physical features, I can totally understand where you're coming from there. Like I said, I like all nationalities, each with different physical features and all, so I can't really relate. But I can understand.
I think you guys are taking this too seriously. I mean if you only go for certain people and not looking at their character then yes it's bad but that all comes from the culture we live in and such. As for this thread I thought jikoshy made it so people would get a better perspective on both sides
I don't know what you mean by "taking this too seriously", Wallace. I'm just giving my two cents here. Meh. W/e. I'll be silly and post this video to say my piece instead. XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdXesX6mYUE
@Wallace: I'd go with them, only thing that kinda weirds me out is the really high "bubbles" when they smile. Like directly next to their eyes. Not a bad thing though. Now british girls are cute in their own way, also.
Mmmm UK girls a very few I find pretty
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