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American Girls Or Japanese Girls?

I think asian women are really beautiful, but mainly for me what is most important is personality so I guess both or in my case european/american/asian.
@Rina Wow I never heard of that movie, but now I kind of want to check it out. That does sound like a very Japanese family situation though. Japanese tend to not communicate as well as Americans do. They don't like confrontation and like to hide things. A lot of things are too taboo or embarrassing to talk about. I feel that in my family as well sometimes, for example I(or anyone) can never cuss or do anything "outrageous", and it took me over a decade to finally(last night) express to my dad that I wanted to move out and become independant from my parents. That was a load off my chest, because I had believed they'd kick me out prematurely if I told him that, but he was actually calm about it. @_@
While I've met some very good families, I've seen and heard about far more where abuse is common. Mine was pretty good although my father suffered from depression and could get upset easily, he never really hurt me. Though he had no problem using a belt on my bare ass. But I've met so many people that were abused and molested by mostly family members. Probably 80% of my friends that I know of. I even heard from a friend when we were 10 about his 13yr old brother (we were all scared of him) sexually molesting his 8yr old sister. Though I didn't understand till years later. Several of my ex's too. One was raped for years by her own father starting when she was 13. When she tried to kill herself, her father stopped her saying she wasn't allowed to because she was his property. Another was prostituted out by her mother. Another was raped by a friend of her father's when she was 8 and her father never believed her. All this happens way too often. I hate it.
That does suck. D: It's sad that it is actually not rare too. I know a few friends had really really bad pasts, that I am sure would traumatize me. One friend's mother regularly kicks her out and leaves her homeless, once in winter in NYC, after breaking her laptop even. And when she was a kid, her mother killed her pet rabbit, cooked it, and forced her to eat it... That really sickened me. :(
@Vamp and Koha Wow and here I thought my friends and I were the only ones who deals with nasty issues. I guess it just goes to show you that huge problems are far more common than we think, then again it's not like people will be open about their problems since they don't like to talk about it or too embarrassed or fear they may get shunned due to a stigma that being depressed about your problems or past carries, me undoubtedly no different of keeping my problems and past under my hat.
As for the stigma I really wish the stigma depression carries would die already, it'll make it so much easier for people to be more open and know that they don't have to endure hardships all alone or resort to suicide.
@Tiger I agree. I have depression and it sucks how some people overreact about it. I've never had any suicidal attempts or feelings, I just lack motivation/hope. I also hate when people assume clinical depression just means being sad, I am rarely sad.
@Koha like you I suffer from depression, due to my current situation and all the horrible things that happened to me in my life and like you I lack hope and motivation as well because of it,yet they're people who just assume you're lazy,you choose to feel this way etc.It drives me up a freaking wall how people are like this.
Mr.Repzion says this perfectly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nATs97WdYLY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN5A526rzZE
@Tiger Yes, that too. I hate how people assume you're just lazy, but it really is hard to just do things others have no problem doing, like even daily chores are really hard to initiate, and I can't control it unless it's necessity, like I'll be too unmotivated to shower unless I really really need it after a week of not showering, or if I'm going to actually go out. I see no meaning in showering when I just stay home everyday unless my hair's gotten too oily. @_@
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