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Experience In the Friendzone

Hey there, my name is Ryan and I just discovered this fantastic site. Now I have a question to ask the masses, but first some background story: There is this awesome lady at work who I have become very close to very quickly, but she has -gasp- friendzoned me. Now now before you say anything I'm not here to say BOO HOO I'M SUCH A NICE GUY SHE SHOULD DATE ME CUZ I'M NICE. This isn't that kind of thread, and I know i'm not entitled to her affection. I intend to just keep being her friend and talk to her, I'm just glad that I can make her smile and feel safe. Heck I'm even on here looking for my own cute otaku girl if possible. But she does talk to me almost constantly and is the only guy she comes to at work. She messages me all night and all day every day. She makes herself the first person I talk to when I wake up and the last person I talk to when I go to sleep. But she insists that we are just friends so I respect her decision and plan on being a good friend to her. Now here is my question to the masses: How often does it actually happen that the girl will take a man out of the friendzone farther in the future (or a man take a woman out)? What are people's experiences with this sort of thing? I guess the only thing I'm concerned of is how unusually close we became so quickly and whether she's gonna try and pull me out of the zone if I find myself a girlfriend. Which would destroy a rather awesome friendship, because I don't play that game and I certainly don't cheat. If you have any stories or advice you wanna share feel free. Have a nice discussion :P
Dec 13, 14 at 10:52pm
Hi! When it comes to the friend zone I find it doesn't help to think about it to much, she says you guys are just friends and if your cool with it that's great continue to be her friend. If in the future things change (which they my or my not) then take it from there. Don't let yourself worry about a situation that hasn't happened yet. ^-^
Hey there other new person! That is very good advice, and exactly why I intend to stay friends and look somewhere else for companionship. But a combination of past experience with my female friends trying pull me out of the frienzone when I date someone else, and the fact that everyone around us says that she clearly wants more, has me wondering if I'm being too dense just accepting it. And believe me I am dense, I have NO idea when a girl is flirting or giving a signal.
Dec 13, 14 at 11:21pm
Thanks! And even I have to Admit it does sound like she likes you but whether it be I'm wrong or she's just not ready for a relationship at this time there's nothing you can do if you already expressed your feelings
As I said before I'm not looking for a way out of the friend zone. I mostly want to get a feel for how often things change statistically. I'll continue to act according to what she says she wants. Besides I kinda have my heart set on finding another Otaku to cuddle and watch anime with right now. <3
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