Need a Little Help ;-;
embracethemadness @embracethemadness
Need a Little Help ;-;
embracethemadness @embracethemadness
Okay, so, I've always used Quizilla for my stories, but Quizilla is has just suddenly become a little....annoying? I'm trying to work with the deviantART account I've had for a while and start uploading my fanfictions....i just don't understand a lot of the options and set-up of the site. If anyone could possibly help me I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks you guys! ^^
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
commented on
Need a Little Help ;-;
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
Go to submit at the top of the web page. Then underneath, submit art. Enter your work title under deviation title. Go to category and select "choose". Go down the list to "Literature" then "Prose" then "Fiction" then whatever category your fan fiction falls under, that it be about "Horror" or "Humor" or "romance" or "Science Fiction", ETC. ETC. I hope this helps! =^_^= I'm on deviant art too. -AutumnClover
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
commented on
Need a Little Help ;-;
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
What are your fan fictions about?
Kronos @kronos
commented on
Need a Little Help ;-;
Kronos @kronos
I'm afraid my experience with uploading written material to DeviantArt is minimal at best. I'm watching this conversation to get some info to help me out with my writing... wait, you ladies are on DeviantArt, too?
Key @keyrunners
commented on
Need a Little Help ;-;
Key @keyrunners
have you tried that's where i typically go for my fanfic fix. it pretty simple to figure out as well...
Sakumie Tenshi @sasusakubabymaniac
commented on
Need a Little Help ;-;
Sakumie Tenshi @sasusakubabymaniac
You should try :) And I can help you, though it's a little annoying compared to
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