I'm new and I what some Chit Chat going so if anyone is on drop by!!

Duoxdeath @duoxdeath
I'm new and I what some Chit Chat going so if anyone is on drop by!!
Duoxdeath @duoxdeath
3...2...1 TALK!!!

Duoxdeath @duoxdeath
commented on
I'm new and I what some Chit Chat going so if anyone is on drop by!!
Duoxdeath @duoxdeath
I also wouldn;t mind some friends on here ^^ just sayin

Duoxdeath @duoxdeath
commented on
I'm new and I what some Chit Chat going so if anyone is on drop by!!
Duoxdeath @duoxdeath
Is there ever anyone on this site?

Zen94 @zen94
commented on
I'm new and I what some Chit Chat going so if anyone is on drop by!!
Zen94 @zen94
Hey welcome to the site what kinda anime do you like ?

Wonderlust @sica
commented on
I'm new and I what some Chit Chat going so if anyone is on drop by!!
Wonderlust @sica
there is but few people are on at a time

Duoxdeath @duoxdeath
commented on
I'm new and I what some Chit Chat going so if anyone is on drop by!!
Duoxdeath @duoxdeath
Well my favorite animes have to be Inuyasha and Death Note. I'm also a fan of Fooly Cooly and as you can see Gundam Wing. Duo Maxwell is my favorite character in that series. I just started to watch Bleach and Naruto.
Well I just about gave up on this site because there was no one on for a few days I was getting pretty bored.

Kronos @kronos
commented on
I'm new and I what some Chit Chat going so if anyone is on drop by!!
Kronos @kronos
Sorry for the lateness of the reply, but welcome to MaiOtaku. So, what's on your mind

Lucy_scream @lucy_scream
commented on
I'm new and I what some Chit Chat going so if anyone is on drop by!!
Lucy_scream @lucy_scream
Hello, i apologise but i never check the threads. how are you and what is your opinion of this site. i belive it would be better off if there was more to do on a free pass.

Lucy_scream @lucy_scream
commented on
I'm new and I what some Chit Chat going so if anyone is on drop by!!
Lucy_scream @lucy_scream
Hello, i apologise but i never check the threads. how are you and what is your opinion of this site. i belive it would be better off if there was more to do on a free pass.

Lucy_scream @lucy_scream
commented on
I'm new and I what some Chit Chat going so if anyone is on drop by!!
Lucy_scream @lucy_scream
Hello, i apologise but i never check the threads. how are you and what is your opinion of this site. i belive it would be better off if there was more to do on a free pass.
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