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Do guys/girls pay for every time/some time/pay half?

yeah. I misspoke. :) We take turns if family, friends or serious partner. On a date I pay.
Societal norm dictates that the male pays, but you know, it's nice to usually offer to but it's pride and their image on the line.. especially for the male. if the male doesn't pay; it makes them look cheap and unable to 'support' their partner... on the other hand, it also supposedly makes the female less desirable(if you know what I mean?).. like they're not worth it to treat/pay for kinda thing. if the female pays; they're strong independent women who don't need no man... but it makes the male look weak.. lul . looks like it's pretty unfair; the double standard. 'going dutch' is actually becoming a fairly common occurrence from what I've seen (at least where I'm from) Admittedly, I never really paid for much unless it was my suggestion or I REALLY insisted.. Otherwise, I would joke around and say, "girl's gotta eat.." terrible terrible joke but idc, it's still funny and it's not like I really mean it. the guy usually gets a good laugh out of it and proceeds to tease me about looking like a meatball if I continue to eat the way I do. :B idk . I mean, I'm not one to refuse food. pfft. taking turns to pay is something that happens in my longer relationships though. it's only fair. ; v;
I agree with Eru. It really all comes down to the image/stereotype of the man being the caretaker of the woman, chivalry I guess. I also think it depends on the type of guy. I've met guys who won't let their gf pay for anything because they feel uncomfortable or they feel like it's their duty. Personally, I prefer if the guy at least pays on the first couple of dates. However, like Eru said if the relationship progresses it doesn't really matter if we switch or go half.
If a guy asks me out, I watch and see if he pays for my half, too. Initially, I won't ask for him to, I just see where he stands. But if he expects me to pay for the whole meal on the first date for the both of us, I consider him a moocher, and drop him. If he expects me to go halvsies, then it feels more like a friendship. And he just doesn't dig me being past that. If he pays for mine as well, I feel like he really likes me and wants to show it. But after a few more dates, I'll probably try to insist on paying for my share because he's already treated me so many times. It's my way of saying "I won't take advantage of you". That's just how I take it. Whether or not he actually means it this way.
I *only* pay first because every women I've ever known expects it at first. I don't want to dominate them or be a caretaker. I'd prefer equal partners. Thankfully, I also like to be appreciative so I don't mind that first part of dating. If gals really wanted equal partners then make it known you don't like a man to pay for the first date or open the door. Not only would I not mind: I'd have even greater respect for you.
I would pay or do it 50/50. Unless its a really special occasion or holiday or something. Then i would pay without question. ^_^
All of you have a nice answer to it. I pretty much agree with @eru and @panza in guys standard. True, they want to pay after on first few date but if it on long run, the boyfriend will start to feel unhappy with their wallet empty. Not saying they are cheap but depend on how many times they paid. I understand but I just think a little wrong. if the guy invite the girls on date, the guy pay. If the girls invite, the girls pay or either going Dutch or pay next time. Think of it helping each other out because I feel only one sided pay as if the other partner don't care about it.
If I invited you out, I will pay. If we are dating or at least on consecutive dates or w.e Then you can pay if you want. None of that macho pride bullshit here lol, If you want to pay, Hey go ahead ;D Do some 50/50
Well it depends really, I've gone on several dates and most of the time i either pay for everything or at least for my half unless the other party insists on paying for everything (which I'm tots cool with but since I'm usually the one who asks people out i always plan ahead). But when in a relationships idk, take turns? like if i pay for dinner you pay for the movies and so and so... It only makes sense. I wouldn't like paying for everything but i wouldn't like everything being payed for me either. So it think taking turns is the best solution and it kinda looks more appealing than half and half for everything nay?
Okay well, here is the thing. I agree about the equality thing. I would never hold a door open for a guy, or get up and pull out his chair for him, so I don't 'expect them to do it' However, it is a nice gesture and I think guys should at least make an attempt to act gentlemanly if they wanna wow a girl they are into. But it won't turn into a dealbreaker if they don't, not for me anyways. Now, I did have an ex and he NEVER paid for any date. I always bought my movie ticket, even if it was a movie only he wanted to see. I bought my own ticket to an amusement park, and yada yada. It was dishearting at times cause it would just seem like we were only friends and not together..So that is what bothered me. Certain things should be split, but in other areas I feel like they shouldn't, for example, a girl shouldn't have to go halves on her engagement ring, and I would never pay my significant other car payments. Equality is just always about putting in the same effort as your partner, and it doesn't always have to be a matter of who took care of what bill, but the amount of things you do for each other instead of how much cash your guy can blow on you. Heck, I would even be okay if he decided to pay for one entire bill and then I would get the next. One buys the dinner, the girlfriend can buy the movie tickets. Which is probably less cost than the dinner. I even feel as if girls should take their guys out to show their appreciation. It really all boils down on how well you wanna treat someone.
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