give up?

justarandomguy @justarandomguy
give up?
justarandomguy @justarandomguy
i never had a gf befor and i have had no luck in real life so i tried this wepsite out and iam haveing no luck on this too iam tired of bring single and tired of being that extra person with out a parnter when i hang out with friends and iam tired of seeing relationships build up and fall around me and i want to just give up and forget about it but a small part of me wants to keep tryingbut i dont wanna keep geting hurt and let down all i need is one chance but i dont know any more i feel like iam be alone forver

Kronos @kronos
commented on
give up?
Kronos @kronos
@justarandomguy- I know where you're coming from. I never had a girl in high school or college, and I was in a year-long relationship afterwards in my late 20s. Don't get me wrong, I feel your pain; I'm going through it now. As tough as it is, we need to have a degree of optimism. Besides, I'm kinda having site problems too( didn't work out and a few ladies here are terrified of me for some strange reason). Don't give up. You'll reach the top of the mountain sooner or later.

justarandomguy @justarandomguy
commented on
give up?
justarandomguy @justarandomguy
yea the thing is its like i get close to finding some one and it turns out they dont like me and i hate being a extra wheel and what hurts most is seeing the person you like be with someone else even more when you friend with the person i dont like giveing up but i just need a beeter way to try to find someone

Zen94 @zen94
commented on
give up?
Zen94 @zen94
Everyone feels as if they'll be alone forever from time to time but with as many people out there as is the right one is there jus needa keep looking and prepair your self for hard times as best as possible

zeroblade4201 @zeroblade4201
commented on
give up?
zeroblade4201 @zeroblade4201
I agree with you there, I've officially given up too

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
give up?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
XD yeah I think we are all there. I have a strange problem. Only girls that have someone else or are married ever hit on me on websites. I hate that only girls that are unhappy with their marriages talk to me. I know that my looks aren't that great and that's why I am not a girls first choice. But I would never take back some else's girl. As some one any one can always talk to. All women love that about me. I feel that's all they ever see in me and i don't always want to have all the answer.

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
give up?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
I do feel like giving up but I want to believe she is out there the one that can meet me half way .

z3rosiris @z3rosiris
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give up?
z3rosiris @z3rosiris
Same boat as EndlessKnight here all girls that show interest in me either have a relationship and I'm not the type to steal someone away or just talk about how bad their previous relationships are knowing I will listen and knowing I'm not like the guys that hurt them yet they still always end up after someone else and repeat the cycle of getting hurt then coming to me. But there is someone out there for me I just have to keep looking until I find her. I suggest not giving up and to keep on looking you never know when you will run into someone, I met my ex at a friends birthday party at a Chinese Restaurant.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
give up?
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
It is really hard to actually meet someone on the web. Differences are what spice a relationship and give it strength. It's when you accept each other for exactly who they are and choose to enjoy those differences that you have the basis for a close relationship. As near as I can tell, web based meeting sites are tailored to filter out differences and so many good potential partners don't even give you the time of day. In spite of that folks do meet on the web. I guess I am clueless when it comes to initiating web relationships.

CasioMaker @otacon85
commented on
give up?
CasioMaker @otacon85
In the words of Tim Allen in "Galaxy Quest": NEVER GIVE UP... NEVER SURRENDER!
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