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Friended a model/camgirl

Dec 02, 14 at 1:19am
So, I recently befriended a gal who likes to cosplay and web cam (for donations). Not a love interest at all. Obviously taken. Yet, she seems intelligent, no-nonesense.. but, a little needy. A little needy is good sometimes. I like to be a good friend. From my posts here most people can probably tell I'm a softie and a little romantic by nature. I don't want to come off like just another jerk who wants to see her cam. In fact, as a friend, that would kind of gross me out to see. I don't want to hold myself back from being supportive and humorous either. Dunno. Kind of feel stuck. What say y'all?
its weird i have a friend that has done the same thing. i thought that was a really dumb thing and that she was trying to get money out of my friend...quite the opposite really she has been really friendly with him and chatted with him a lot, via not stream based. they seemed cool with the relationship, thought my friend always has ill intentions he is really being a friend and so is she. if you feel you are not being taken for a ride then there is no problem with a streamer being your friend...as long as they see you as a friend and can chat with you comfortably that is all that matters.
I think you should just be yourself. Have meaningful conversations with her. As long as you treat her as a human being, you should be fine. Plus the fact your worried about proves that you care about her(but not necessarily in a romantic sense.)
Just treat her like any friend and don't worry about the camgirl thing. It's kind of like if you were friends with a stripper, a job is a job, doesn't matter what it is. To give a more extreme example, it's why porn stars have so many problems with relationships. So they usually date other porn stars or other celebrities. Because it's hard for most average Joe's to deal with because they don't understand the loneliness associated with fame. So alot of average people would either brag about it or try to keep it a secret and have jealousy issues. But to anyone who is actually famous for any reason, they have to deal with keeping a certain image or people projecting their ideal on to that person. It's very difficult for that person to be themselves sometimes.
Dec 02, 14 at 1:45am
All this makes sense. I guess if my natural personality is too weird or gets interpreted wrong that's not something I can change. UPDATE: I messaged her just to let her know how I felt and what was on my mind. She's pretty cool and I'm sure she knows the score. Best to communicate rather than stumble in the dark.
I guess I have my own issues getting to know someone for a close friendship/relationship. Since I'm older and been through a lot, I don't like to waste too much time. So I tend to be very open about myself to be sure that person will be accepting of me for who I am. I don't expect everyone to be as open as me, but I tend to expect a certain amount of openness, particularly if we are discussing the potential of a relationship. So I tend to get frustrated when someone is really private about themselves to the point of hiding their own identity. They may have really good reasons for that I'm not aware of. It's just something I need to work on, I'm not used to it.
Dec 02, 14 at 2:13am
yeah. There's a weird tug of war between being yourself and respecting what your female interests can accept at that time. I'm pretty shy and quiet. They see my personality come out and don't know what the heck just happened :)
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