My Birthday just passed

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
My Birthday just passed
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
Well, my birthday just came and gone. I'm now 26. I'll be......30.......soon........I know I'm not old, but.........

cpbong @cpbong
commented on
My Birthday just passed
cpbong @cpbong
happy bday! You survived another year without getting fatally injured!

MissAnthropic @missanthropic
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My Birthday just passed
MissAnthropic @missanthropic
i refuse to get any older. =)

KaitoYamino @kaitoyamino
commented on
My Birthday just passed
KaitoYamino @kaitoyamino
You could be the one~
On Topic: Grats give or take a few weeks or so. I started to feel sad inside when I realized I out-aged Keitaro. T_T

Kronos @kronos
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My Birthday just passed
Kronos @kronos
Happy Belated Birthday, Kaji :) I'm 31 right now, but I'm not letting my age get to me (gray hairs on my head aside).

gone @normandy
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My Birthday just passed
gone @normandy
My birthday was about a week and a half ago as well. It seems like it gets here faster and faster every year.

Nat @the_noctor
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My Birthday just passed
Nat @the_noctor
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standino98 @standino98
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My Birthday just passed
standino98 @standino98
He said he'll be 30 soon, now he's 34. Oh how time flies.

Nat @the_noctor
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My Birthday just passed
Nat @the_noctor
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Nat @the_noctor
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My Birthday just passed
Nat @the_noctor
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