Cosplaying as a pair

Noneya @lovableyui
Cosplaying as a pair
Noneya @lovableyui
I think, one of the cutest things among Otaku couples is when they cosplay together. I'd make me die of cuteness if I had the chance to cosplay with a boy I liked/was with. No one I know is into Anime enough to go 'that far', though... It's a lonely place for Anime lovers down in Washington. Well anywho! Who here cosplays with their lover? Or loves the thought as much as I do > u <

VeeVenom @veevenom
commented on
Cosplaying as a pair
VeeVenom @veevenom
i've though of that myself.
if only i had a bf into cosplaying as much as myself i would love to cosplay together!
its a lonely world...

Noneya @lovableyui
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Cosplaying as a pair
Noneya @lovableyui
Isn't it? It really does suck... :c

KaitoYamino @kaitoyamino
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Cosplaying as a pair
KaitoYamino @kaitoyamino
That would be fun indeed, especially trying to think which couple to cosplay as and making the costumes... Haha

Kronos @kronos
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Cosplaying as a pair
Kronos @kronos
I can tell you from experience that cosplaying with someone else takes the edge off of doing it. I guess if you do it with a gf/bf, it's even better.

Zen94 @zen94
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Cosplaying as a pair
Zen94 @zen94
sounds like it would be fun

Sobi @sobi
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Cosplaying as a pair
Sobi @sobi
I have some friends that do that. They always cosplay as a couple for con. It is very cute. My best friend and I usually cosplay in a group as well. It is sure much more fun than having to go at it alone. If I was in a relationship I'd end up doing the same of my friends too.

Key @keyrunners
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Cosplaying as a pair
Key @keyrunners
if anyone has ever seen There She is! and loves it as much as i do they know just how awesome cosplaying doki and nabi would be.....

gone @socrates
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Cosplaying as a pair
gone @socrates
I think it's cute as hell! xD I've seen couples cosplay official anime couples, and it makes it seem all the more genuine. It's adorable. <3 Finding someone who's into it and who's willing is half the battle. .__.;

KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
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Cosplaying as a pair
KawaiiSweetie @kawaiisweetie
lol totaly cute! I've seen them around my area everytime i go to one XD, but it would be pretty sweet to actually HAVE a bf who would want to
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