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My perspective finding that special someone

Based on my past relationships and experiences I've compiled a good amount of data pertaining to finding the right person First off women not all men want just sex. Are there are a bunch that only do? Of course, but that's why love is a process. If everyone wanted true love wouldn't we all be compatible just about ? We all have a perfect female (there is such a thing) in mind. We nit pick or list things of importance to us whether they may be based on appearance or personality and pretty much weed out certain girls. I've abandoned this method and chosen to date off of hobbies and personal interest. Of course we all have standards, but we shouldn't limit ourselves to what the eye perceives as beautiful This is where dating comes in. The Truth is dating is a process. I feel like each past relationship I was in i learned something new, gained a new interest and also discovered a new dislike. Eventually you garner so much info you know exactly what you're looking for, but eventually we give up and sometimes settle and it creates problems. We begin to think after a while our perfect someone doesn't exist and maybe our search is too specific. Never begin to doubt and give up on what you want. The process is long and sometimes you just have to let that person find you. You never know who that person maybe which is why we must endure trial and error. example: there is a blind couple in the park they've been friends for over years and finally realize they are meant to be. The woman is african American and the guy is a KKK clan member lol. Love is truly blind. That wall flower that doesn't say a single word sitting in the corner of the room could be the most energetic and fun person you have ever met if you give her a chance. Example: Naruto brash and a loud mouth + Hinata quiet gentle and shy as can be. give me your perspective
If I can be honest, I have some standards and specifics when it comes to finding a special someone but I realize that no one is perfect. The important thing is to have someone who you can get along with.
Yeah. I haven't had enough experience to come up with a formula. All I know is that men and women are equally selfish, horny and judgmental. What people want and what they need are often two different things. Most people go after the assertive young buck when they need best friends + lovers. I don't know how to break through that conundrum. I'm willing to try. Your KKK analogy is understandable.. but, prejudice runs deep. Maybe not for us but those who are tainted will drop you in a hot second if they felt you aren't one of them.
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