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Cheated on because you wouldn't "put out"?

Probably a pretty personal question (but those are the most fun). To the girls here: Have you been cheated on or broke up with by guys because you wouldn't have sex with them?
Two, in fact. The first guy broke up with me because I would not even kiss him. It was for the best as I felt miserable with him. The second was because I would not make out with him while there were people around. In the end, it was for the best because I learned what I really wanted and what I didn't.
Man I wouldn't ditch a girl if she didn't put out, but kissing. Man I love my cuddle time. But every person has their reasons.
I probably couldn't be in a long-term relationship where sex wouldn't eventually happen. I don't even have a problem waiting a few months to make sure we're committed enough for it. If a girl is saving herself for marriage or is abstinent due to religious reasons, I can definitely respect that, but she wouldn't be dateable to me. I can say I've never been cheated on for lack of willingness to put out.
I never let it get to that point. All my partners knew that I'm not into having sex yet, I made it very clear to them. I don't want to have sex, not even with a woman, until I'm financially stable just in case of an unwanted pregnancy or an STD. The second someone pressured me for sex, I'd leave them. Kind of a rash decision it sounds like, however, my partners knew why and they still would bother me for it. I found it disrespectful that they wanted me to push aside what I felt was the right decision for me just so they could feel pleasure. I didn't like that, so I left them.
What? Why don´t you ask everthing at once? No really! Is not what I wanted to have sex with him! Is because he was having with another person! I felt abandoned, undesired. Do you know how is to fell undesired being a cute girl? sorry (yet not another canadian News) sorry
I love sex, but it's not absolutely essential. But you have to be ok with me masturbating because I can't turn off my sex drive. Of course if I have a preference, I would be with a girl that can match my sex drive. But if I have deep feelings for a girl, I can deal without it.
Sex is a healthy part of a relationship. Whether it be right away or after a little bit of time, it's good for the body and mind. ..and I'm not kidding. I couldn't date a girl who wants to wait until marrage. While I respect their decision, I feel it's rediculous.
I think you're better off without guys like that who only think of sex.
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