FWAR - Friends with Anime Recommendations

bjprema @bjprema
FWAR - Friends with Anime Recommendations
bjprema @bjprema
Yo! Mainly here for friends unless you want to binge watch with me or grab a burrito :D
Would appreciate friends that give awesome recommendations for anime.
- Plot-driven; comedy; action/adventure; sci-fy (excluding mecha); fantasy; just about anything that will make me say "Oh shit!"
Usually you can find me on the computer, in the kitchen or at the gym.

Okashi @okashi
commented on
FWAR - Friends with Anime Recommendations
Okashi @okashi
Yo! have you seen Code Geass?
also welcome to the site

bjprema @bjprema
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FWAR - Friends with Anime Recommendations
bjprema @bjprema
@Okashi No I haven't, how is it?

yunokyum @yunokyum
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FWAR - Friends with Anime Recommendations
yunokyum @yunokyum
Grab a burrito!
I love as the person I wish to be online. Yes another me. Same heart.
Yes I can recomend shoujo and slice of life, some cases I have dozen hentai too.

usagimodoki @usagimodoki
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FWAR - Friends with Anime Recommendations
usagimodoki @usagimodoki
As long as you're paying for the burritos lol
I can only recommend shojou and more shojou

bjprema @bjprema
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FWAR - Friends with Anime Recommendations
bjprema @bjprema
@yunokyum @usagimodoki
Burritos on me guys!

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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FWAR - Friends with Anime Recommendations
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
welcome bro nice to have you on the site...if you ever want any recommendations just let me know

anes15 @anes15
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FWAR - Friends with Anime Recommendations
anes15 @anes15
Welcome to the site, I can't of any good recommendations right now

Jesse 神猫 @jesus5091
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FWAR - Friends with Anime Recommendations
Jesse 神猫 @jesus5091
If you want to sob uncontrollably i recommend Anohana(Ano hi mita hana no namae o bokutachi wa mada shiranai.) if you want a trippy fantasy Akira the motion picture is a classic and so is Paranoia agent.

DeathmasterDAN @deathmasterdan
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FWAR - Friends with Anime Recommendations
DeathmasterDAN @deathmasterdan
I would suggest watching baccano! and durarara! if you haven't seen them.
and welcome to the site!
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