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Alcohol/Illegal Drugs In a Relationship

Should partners get drunk a lot in a relationship? Or smoke/shoot up together?
"Should"? Yeah you should get drunk and shoot up, maybe smoke some crack too, sounds like a great idea, go for it! Being a junkie is great for a relationship, you can pimp her out when you "need" that extra hit! Overdosing and getting AIDS is really great for a relationship!
This one time a coca cola, I stole their coke and shot up before going to my gfs house to shoot up again with her parents. Good times.
if they have to get drunk alot then its not a great relationship. as for the drugs i dont mind pot but anything else its in inexcusable, i cant watch the one i love die bit by bit.
A friend of mine died by injecting 2 marijuana's before guys, drugs are bad m'kay.
Drinking in moderation is fine. I don't even have a problem with someone who smokes occasionally. If we're talking a pack a day, that's a bit different. If you're goal every weekend is to go out and party and get completely tanked, then that too is a bit to overboard for me. Smoking weed doesn't bother me much either, but harder drugs would probably be a big turn off.
I agree with Cecil
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