first game to make you so upset you cried?

LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
first game to make you so upset you cried?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
it was the snes gane spiderman total carnage OMFG that game when i was little was so f**king annoying and hard as f**k i broke i think both my remotes maybe just one but i do know i pulled the game out and threw at the wall and broke never picked up the game again till i was high school and it was emulator.......still havnt beaten it....

Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
first game to make you so upset you cried?
Karasu @kain_karasu
I've only cried over one game ever. Back when I had my Dreamcast (R.I.P.) I spent nearly all summer playing a game called Grandia II, probably had about 90+ hours on that game (was a ridiculously long storyline). Was finally nearing the end of the game when one of my little step brothers overwrote my file...the next day when I went to go attempt a round 2 I found the game case on the floor, cracked in because someone had stepped on it. The first disc was cracked. One of the only games I have never beaten to this day...I do have an emulator of it now, but I haven't touched it...probably have a mental scar or something xD

Animekid @animekid
commented on
first game to make you so upset you cried?
Animekid @animekid
Closest I've ever come to that is throwing/angrily tossing a controller, with some choice words thrown in of course.

Cero @cero
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first game to make you so upset you cried?
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

tehsuri @tehsuri
commented on
first game to make you so upset you cried?
tehsuri @tehsuri
Armored Core for Answer

carlosdms @carlosdms
commented on
first game to make you so upset you cried?
carlosdms @carlosdms
The legend of Zelda ocarina of time (remake for 3DS), I just didn't knew where to go or what to do and almost broke my 3DS, dont touch the game since 2 years.

iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
commented on
first game to make you so upset you cried?
iamtheredsev @iamtheredsev
The only one that came close was P3. Special mention to Crisis Core.

Demy @nekonyandemy
commented on
first game to make you so upset you cried?
Demy @nekonyandemy
I cried during one of the endings for Virtues Last Reward : x the game already messes with your emotions, but one of the endings pushed me over the edge. It was great though. One of the reasons I really love the game.

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
first game to make you so upset you cried?
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Never cried because of a game, Got angry a few times when I was younger, But never sad enough to cry.

キラー (Kirā) @ginko_senpai
commented on
first game to make you so upset you cried?
キラー (Kirā) @ginko_senpai
I cried to Mafia II
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