Do you believe in Destiny ?

carlosdms @carlosdms
Do you believe in Destiny ?
carlosdms @carlosdms
Hey guys, I want to hear your opinions about this topic, I believe that we control our destiny but some forces can change it in the march, example the karma if you do good you receive good and if you do bad you receive bad.

usagimodoki @usagimodoki
commented on
Do you believe in Destiny ?
usagimodoki @usagimodoki
I believe in Predestination

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Do you believe in Destiny ?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
i believe (in some cases) when you expect something to happen most likely it wont happen
as far as destiny goes im not sure if its a thing but i do believe things will happen if its meant to happen

Karasu @kain_karasu
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Do you believe in Destiny ?
Karasu @kain_karasu
I'm a strong believer in Karma. There may be something such as fate or destiny idk, but if you take into account the fact that there is a possibility of multiple different universes all featuring you and EVERY decision you possibly could have made or will make then the destiny of this universe is simply one of the many you possibly could have experienced...there's also another theory that states that every time you make a decision it creates a parrallel universe in which the opposite decision was made, which would mean that you do in fact have control over your own destiny.

IDGAF @metalshadown64
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Do you believe in Destiny ?
IDGAF @metalshadown64
This account has been suspended.

Key @key17
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Do you believe in Destiny ?
Key @key17
I believe in Karma, but not in destiny. For me, every action and decision you make goes back around, and that's what forges you future.

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Do you believe in Destiny ?
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
I believe in Karma as well, but destiny will forever be changing and never stay stagnant because every choice you make has a ripple effect that changes your future. Even the smallest thing such as stopping to smell a flower can change your future, because you never know who could be watching and can be affected by your actions.
But everyone has their own opinion on the matter. What really matters is what your idea is in itself which shapes your Future.

cutiecandy @cutiecandy
commented on
Do you believe in Destiny ?
cutiecandy @cutiecandy
Yes! I believe :D someday that destiny will come to u at the right time but i do not believe in forever :D cuz we're humans cannot lived forever so enjoy ur life :D <3

Demy @nekonyandemy
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Do you believe in Destiny ?
Demy @nekonyandemy
I don't believe in destiny : x and I only believe karma is a more widely spread cause and effect sort of thing.

I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
commented on
Do you believe in Destiny ?
I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
I used to believe in karma and destiny, not anymore.
Destiny does not decide other people fate, we fight for it and we don't let it take control us.
Karma, there is no karma and only apply for the cause and effect method not by karma.
Example is you are hungry so you need to buy or cook. You kill someone and you either get killed or arrested is that simple. There are no such thing as karma but I do believe we need to do good for community. If everyone are selfish, will bring chaos to society.
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