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Why are we to blame?

Nice guy is a term where a guy being nice, but you can say is almost like gentleman term if you look at "Confucius" you might be able find what is the meaning of being nice guy in a deeper level. Men tend to blame women in all the causes because my English professor told me that how Eve got trick by the snake and Adam got trick by Eve. Before women rights came into play, men blame their women all the time so I guess discrimination happen no matter how many centuries have passed. Yu@ I don't agree with the part being single is a good thing. Sure, single has many leisure time but they feel depressed when looking at some couple. We are social creature. We like people accompany and this is why this site is made for single and find friend.
Being social has nothing to do with being in a relationship or not. Being social is simply being with another person. It don't have to be male or female. To me, people who 'have' to be in a relationship is a sign that theirs something wrong. There's a fine line between social and clingy. People who tend to need or have to have something at all times tend to mean they've been without or lacked something growing up, have had that their whole life and lost it, or have it and are wanting more of it. As for men blaming women, that can go vice versa. Roman women more often than not blamed men for the position they were in, or for how bad things were during the times. People unify more often than not when times are good. Then, with a blink of an eye turns to sheer disruption when times hit hard. As for equality, women have always strived for equality. There were many uprisings for women rights. You don't see many brothels in a majority of first-world countries because of feminist movements (No I don't mean the radicals either.) Besides, women tend to feel the need to be in a relationship more than men naturally (no offense to any of you girls), simply because of human nature though. Most women instinctively want a family oriented lifestyle compared to mean earlier on. Most men don't hit that point normally till their late twenties or early thirties... though now with how the culture of the United States is turning, it's more or less for both genders.
I raise my mug of beer for all the lone wolf types
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