whats your favorite "vs capcom" game?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
whats your favorite "vs capcom" game?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
im not gonna lie even though it gets so much hate and in which i fully understand 100% why ppl hate it but i cant help but to feel tatsunoko vs capcom was the best vs capcom game ive ever actully had so much fun playing i think becouse i grew up with some of the anime and they kept their un-needed yelling omg! this game to me is so dam FUN!
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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whats your favorite "vs capcom" game?
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
Man, I bought Tatsunoko vs Capcom and two of the Arcade Sticks and never played it much. It's a really good game, but I've been out of my fighter groove. None of my friends play fighters against me.
My favorite has to be X-men vs Street Fighter. It's the game that got me into fighters. I have the Sega Saturn version. It's a beautifully done game. Love everything about it. My second one is SNK 2 (got the JPN Dreamcast version - not a copy. Also have it on Xbox).
My favorite Street Fighter has to be Zero 3. Lucky me I just got my copy autographed by miss Junko Takeuchi (voices Rainbow Mika; you might know her as Naruto).
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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whats your favorite "vs capcom" game?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Has to be SNK vs Capcom for me. It's just animated so well and they had so many obscure fighters. And Violent Ken from the Street Fighter II movie? But I've honestly gotten a little tired of Capcom re-releasing Street Fighter 4 however many times. I bought the first release in 2008 and decided I wasn't getting another version unless Karin Kanzuki returned.
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
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whats your favorite "vs capcom" game?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
the re-releasing is actully undertsandble and not sureprsing just like with street fighter 2 they keep re-leasing a more adjusted and tournament,balanced version of the game and even if you say your tired of re-buying the new one omega street fighter that will be coming out soon will be free to download for anyone who has super and above so cant realy complain since arcade edition was free for two weeks unless you bought ultra(like myself) and found out everything on it will be fixed and free in like 3more months
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
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whats your favorite "vs capcom" game?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
gievn its still annoying though when you try going pro tournaments and in order to keep up you gotta buy the second the new is out...-_- the life of gamers is harder then it use to be
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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whats your favorite "vs capcom" game?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Oh, they can re-release it all they want. Each release they tease a couple new fighters and I always get my hopes up that they'll include my Street Fighter waifu, but it never happens. She'll just be relegated to existing in just that one game. Seems like III characters aren't getting as much love either, which you think wouldn't be the case since lots of people consider that the best game in the franchise... We've gotten way off topic.
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
commented on
whats your favorite "vs capcom" game?
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
haha it always happens in threads and which charater are you talking about? also theyve admited to saying that 3rd strike was their best creation in whicb they wanna turn 4 into a blanced 3rd strike but every person theyve announced to appear or tease did appear from what i understand the next ppl in line to show up is remmy necro and big boy Q
OblivionKnight @oblivionknight
commented on
whats your favorite "vs capcom" game?
OblivionKnight @oblivionknight
I still like Capcom vs. SNK 2. It has a lot of characters, different fighting styles with the different Grooves, and I love the system, stages, and music.
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