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How rushed are you to find your special someone?

In my case I think I hope to find my special someone... How about... Something like... Now? I'll be 30 next year in September and my time is running out!
Relax life is just starting. I'm a jump in head first guy, don't think, don't plan, get it done. It's got me in a lot of trouble, but my friends and I have some very memorial moments in life for it. As for a special someone I've got time. Got married at 20, and 8 years of hell followed. So rush into as many relationships as possible, but keep a cool head about it, no need to rush. Then I am divorced so what do I know?
I'm not in a huge hurry, but I wanna get married in less than 10 years I guess. with the whole military thing I've got going on I'm kinda scared I won't have the time or won't be able top meet women.
I wanna find mine as soon as possible so I can be with them even longer ~
Not that rushed, honestly. If I find someone, great. If I end up never finding someone and end up with 8 cats, great. I won't let my happiness be defined by whether or not I have a life partner :)
Oh god, not another mau thread.
Rushed for what mau? Do you even know what a relationship is like? Settle down and focus on improving you first. You're coming off as super desperate with all of your whiny and self pity threads. Do you ever wonder why you have hardly any messages? Maybe you should try interacting with real people outside and make some friends. I can smell the desperationfrom here and it stinks. Also , you're only 29 and until you're six feet under, time is hardly upm
ehh probably before i hit 20
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