Fav kind of anime ?

Zen94 @zen94
Fav kind of anime ?
Zen94 @zen94
Whats your favorite kind of anime ? action, comdey, romance,ect?
My fav is anything funny, i'll watch the same part over for as long as I can stand.

Sobi @sobi
commented on
Fav kind of anime ?
Sobi @sobi
I'd have to say Fantasy/action is mine.

RenXNight @renxnight
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Fav kind of anime ?
RenXNight @renxnight
horror, because it keeps me on my toes.

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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Fav kind of anime ?
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
Has to be greek tragedy.

Kronos @kronos
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Fav kind of anime ?
Kronos @kronos
For me, it's a tie between Magical Girl anime (Sailor Moon) and Action anime (Guyver). I also dig Gunslinger Girl. What category does that fit into?

gone @socrates
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Fav kind of anime ?
gone @socrates
Ones that have a more realistic approach, like Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. :3;;; I don't think many people watch anime for any sort of realism, but I think it's refreshing when an anime isn't all mecha and magical transformations. |D *shrug* Either that, or mind-benders. >8D IF I HAVE NOT A SINGLE HINT OF A FLYING CLUE AS TO WHAT IS GOING ON, I AM PLEASED.

Luv4Nerds @luv4nerds
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Fav kind of anime ?
Luv4Nerds @luv4nerds
My favorites are usually supernatural fantasy type animes, idk if that's a genre but hey ^.^

Zen94 @zen94
commented on
Fav kind of anime ?
Zen94 @zen94
when in doubt of what kinda genre it is consider it one in and of its self

TheOneWhoWishesToFly @theonewhowishestofly
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Fav kind of anime ?
TheOneWhoWishesToFly @theonewhowishestofly
Romance with a small side of action thrown in!

Darkwulf @darkwulf
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Fav kind of anime ?
Darkwulf @darkwulf
I watch pretty much everything. I have a soft spot for the horror/mystery sort though. Need more Lovecraft!
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