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once a cheat, always a cheat.

Ive never been cheated on, but i have cheated on a girl with her best friend. I regret but there's nothing i can do about it anymore. I can honestly say i would never do it again. I just want to know peoples opinions on cheating(and im ready for the hate comments. But trust me nobody hates what happened more than i).
Oct 26, 14 at 2:01pm
Wow... With her "best friend"... Crazy. Cheating is wrong, I've been accused of cheating before and it didn't make me feel any type of way because I technically didn't. Cheating is one of those things that can hinder you from being in a good relationship, because people lose trust in you. I think if someone is a constant cheater (or just likes a lot of ass) they shouldn't be in a relationship.
I used to have the "once a cheater, always a cheater" mentality, but that's not always true. What I personally feel is that there was a lack of respect in the relationship when someone cheats, that's worse to me. The person who cheats didn't respect the person enough to tell them what they liked or disliked in the relationship or how they wanted it progress romantically, mentally, or sexually so they seek it elsewhere. I think when a cheater actually finds someone they truly love and fully respect, they will be open and communicate their needs so that they will no longer feel like they need to search elsewhere. However, I do know that there are some people that just love the thrill of cheating, the thrill of being caught. Those people, I don't feel will ever change because that's their sexual thrill. Those are the people that give power to the phrase "once a cheater, always a cheater".
Oct 26, 14 at 10:05pm
I don't give second chances when it comes to cheating. I also don't cheat. I see nothing wrong with dating multiple people, as long as everyone knows and there isn't anyt kind of commitment. Once you commit though, things change. I guess what I don't understand is that if I was at the point I would consider cheating, I would just break up with the person.
I would at no point ever cheat. Honestly, if I'm in a relationship a beautiful woman could lock me a in a room and start stripping and I'd be on my phone getting help so I could get out. You could bend over ass up and I wouldn't even think of looking. I've been cheated on, it sucks majorly. I hate that kinda stuff with a passion,that's just me tho
You see my problem is this unless you know a good amount about that person beforehand its quite hard to tell if they cheat because the relationship does not feel right to them or if they cheat due to the sexual aspect of the escape and such. However with that mentioned I feel that if they happen to cheat on me especially for the more connection based one, then by all means its understandable its their form of escaping something they feel is inherently bad and although it does show a small lack of maturity to not tell the person straight up this is also understandable we make mistakes in relationships not all are perfect by any means. Not all of us have the ability directly to just say were through with that person due to numerous reasons. I just want to see a solution which makes in not necessary for people to have to cheat to show that they are not interested in a relationship besides the ones that do it for the fetish itself.
I abhor cheating a lot. My first ex I love a lot, cheated on me because I somehow have like a woman instinct maybe because I only have sisters. She fib her lies and trying to say why I accuse her. Then the next week I got dumped and she went with another dude. That guy beat her up and she went back to me asking for 2nd chance. I love her a lot so I gave her it but she betrayed my trust again. Seriously, people that don't commit should not be in relationship. Taking love so lightly like an object after done using it and treat it like a trash.
Oct 27, 14 at 12:15pm
I've never been seriously cheated on, but have had a couple of past gf's who came close. (made out with another guy when drunk or got way too touchy feely/flirty with someone else) If they ever actually had gone all the way with someone else and I found out about it, they would have been dumped on the spot. I'm not going to tolerate someone who can't be faithful to me regardless of how much I care for them. It's not THAT hard to keep yourself in check if you legitimately care for someone. I would never do it myself. If it got to the point where I would ever even remotely consider such an act, the relationship would be at the point where it's time to end it anyways and would do so before considering perusing someone else.
Exactly, Cecil. If you care and respect someone truly, it's not hard at all to stay faithful. If you think of cheating, spare the person the pain and just break up.
I never understood cheating, I never myself experienced "cheating" on someone, but I myself, have been cheated on and it really sucks. just like rebeccaloveless said, spare the person the pain and just break up... because why cheat and try to stay with the person you cheated on? sometimes people make no sense and do stupid things -.-''
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