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Guys, What Are You Looking For?

Hmm I guess a girl who enjoys what I enjoy at least to certain extent, She's got to be intelligent, NO super geniuses needed, But enough to keep a coherent conversation. Finally Kind and understanding I guess, Though we have to be able to trust each other as well, After all why have one if you can't even trust your partner right. That's the standards I'd go with I guess, It seems many otaku here are romantics haha. I wouldn't call myself one, Though I could see why people would be. Also I wouldn't want a fckbuddy just for the sole reason of if I wanted something like that I'd go to near by bar, Not hard to get those really, Real relationships are harder,But much more rewarding in the end, Though that's just me.
Someone who shares some similar interests in the things I enjoy and has interests/hobbies that also fall outside of what I normally do. I'd ideally like to form an LTR but at the point in life I'm at I'd be fine with having more friends to support me and to tell my worries to. Also, girls gotta have puns hun'
To be completely honest at this point someone who's also a NEET or hikki is probably the best I can hope for. If not someone who's so depressed, insecure, and desperate that they're willing settle for someone like me. Clingy obsessive types are fine too, maybe even preferred. Sure I got my preferences but I don't have much right to be picky. That said, those preferences would be for the more feminine type ideally, who maybe has a nice sence of fashion, someone I can enjoy talking to, shares similar interests and or opinions. I could probably go on but I'm probably asking to much as is.
Girl s
True companionship so close our fantasys would together come alive
Some one I could just be my self, well this is a hard question to awnser hehe
commitment, I wanna know I will have someone there for me through good and bad
Someone to share going to japan with and to be able to have a solid relationship with them. Anybody will do. Maybe with you. ;)
someone sweet but shy at first untill get to know them. Someone who cares deeply. Who will stay even if i can be pain in the ass. Loyal and supportive. loves me for who i am and doesn't want to change that. Dorky with humor :p cuddle buddie xD
Someone i can just relate with, never really been with anyone else before so I don't know what it feels like so id be fine with a relationship that was just like a good friendship, just talking to each other and laughing, even better if we played games together or could watch things together.
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