Short Hair Vs. Long Hair?

RosaMystica @thesweetcard
Short Hair Vs. Long Hair?
RosaMystica @thesweetcard
So which is it? Do you prefer your bf/gf to have long hair you can run your fingers though or short hair that you can't help but want to pet?
I personally could go either way.

I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
commented on
Short Hair Vs. Long Hair?
I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
Both but for preference, I say long hair since it more feminine.

Psycho @psycho
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Short Hair Vs. Long Hair?
Psycho @psycho
I have to go with long overall, it seems more classy and feminine, but I certainly have no issues with short hair.

RebeccaLoveless @rebeccaloveless
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Short Hair Vs. Long Hair?
RebeccaLoveless @rebeccaloveless
I have no preference on length as long as they take care of it. I hate seeing unwashed, greasy, flaky hair

blondeangel @blondeangel
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Short Hair Vs. Long Hair?
blondeangel @blondeangel
I prefer man with short hair

blondeangel @blondeangel
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Short Hair Vs. Long Hair?
blondeangel @blondeangel
not long like a woman's either

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Short Hair Vs. Long Hair?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I prefer having semi-long hair myself. On a girl it depends but usually prefer medium-long. Some short styles are cute on certain girls though.

lucille @lucille
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Short Hair Vs. Long Hair?
lucille @lucille
I don't really think I have a preference, although not longer than mine, thats not allowed hehe ^^

Takkun87 @takkun87
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Short Hair Vs. Long Hair?
Takkun87 @takkun87
I'm not too picky about it. As long as it looks good and frames their face well, it works for me!
As for myself, I just don't like having short short hair, makes me look too young and is just so not me. I recently had an undercut few months ago but I miss the longer hair and am growing it out to shoulder length, reaching the goal by winter.

usagimodoki @usagimodoki
commented on
Short Hair Vs. Long Hair?
usagimodoki @usagimodoki
Guys with short hair.
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