The MaiOtaku Project
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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The MaiOtaku Project
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
I created a generic tabletop rpg called dungeon crawler, im used to this kind of stuff. X3
Karasu @kain_karasu
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The MaiOtaku Project
Karasu @kain_karasu
I think that about covers everything except for the little details like faction names and geography (as in which part of the world are we going to focus on? U.S.? Japan?) >.> I think our main focus should be gathering enough people here to start a beta version, I think maybe 5-8 characters would be enough?
Anyways I don't think I've laid out my character bio for this yet >.> sooo here goes:
Name: Karasu (why not lol)
Race: Fallen
Faction: The self serving faction (The Grey Side haha)
Weapon(s): Dual rare pistols called Yin and Yang (their rare attributes being health steal and magic steal respectively)
Armor: Wears light armor, focusing more on speed than defense. (pretty much modeled after a drawing I have on here)
Abilities(Magics): Highly focused, utilizing only a small pool of spells, mainly sustainable spells. Explosive magic, gravity magic, and defensive magic being the priorities. Utilizes two different sustainable enchantments for his weapons, one firing micro explosive bullets, the other micro black hole bullets. Uses a few other sustainable defensive spells that synergize well to help avoid attacks and absorb some damage of attacks that do hit. Drawbacks of the build are it's small mana pool due to utilizing so many sustainable spells.
Bio: Part of the self serving faction, albeit loosely affiliated with the higher ups of the Anti Gods Faction. Often gone for long periods of time solo farming dungeons and such, often jumping in to help adventurers in need. Even though his playstyle is solo, he is often called upon by the Anti Gods factions higher ups to participate in clearing new content. Is often oblivious of new events going in the game, and generally clumsy often getting himself into dangerous situations or setting off traps accidentally.
Danny @xshiroy
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The MaiOtaku Project
Danny @xshiroy
I sorta like were this has gone, but there is so much more to be discussed and fleshed out. I mean, if we were to actually try and make a manga with so many people contributing won't we need to decide on who's doing what/ have like leaders or something for art and story? just to make sure everything is consistent and making sense. Like with so many people who would be lead artist and stuff? Obviously anyone can contribute but with so many peoples different art styles it could kinda look out of control.
Errr... For the actual manga, how can we will it told? Like a manga needs protagonist, antagonist, heralds, etc.... I mean who will the manga mainly follow because you can't really have "everyone" because I'm sure that will get way out of control, readers will get very confused quickly if you just add 50 odd characters and say their all the protagonist. (I hope you're getting what I'm trying to say xD). May sound like I'm saying it can't happen, but it can! We just need to thoroughly think it through.
If we were to actually attempt this, maybe get a Skype group set up, I think that would be better to discuss such a project.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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The MaiOtaku Project
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
ok here is mine
name: naito
faction: heaven fall resistance
weapon: lance (heavy tank type weapon boosts speed and strength)
armor: dark knights armor (rare armor worn by the demons themselves side effects- causes user to go into berserk mode attacking anything in sight for a short period)
abilities:iron skin,thin coat of armor latched onto skin which provides extra protection,adrenaline due to the berserker effect,special weapon modifier:chaos emerald lava class-allows user to generate one special attack every 7 hours
bio: naito served as a soldier in the heaven wars between the factions fighting over control of the heavens. acquired armor after fighting the great demon general zaas he is highly skilled at war and is an expert at survival due to the nature of his armor holy water or any other holy objects cause the armor to turn into stone and weigh him down for a brief time period he is a tank build very cocky and loves challenges before his days as a soldier he was a wandering adventurer who took on quest for large sums of gold he has a 20 win 5 loss battle count in fighting tournaments and in his life time has only killed 2 dragons
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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The MaiOtaku Project
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
shiroy is right how about we gather everyone who will be the story writters and artists and all come up with one main character and set roles for the characters we now we have to recruit artists and story writers
kc_watz @kc_watz
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The MaiOtaku Project
kc_watz @kc_watz
This site is crawling with otaku, so finding people who like drawing and writing for a manga shouldn't be too hard.. Right? Just need to ask around
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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The MaiOtaku Project
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
yeah and where will we all work together on this project here on maiotaku or some other site
kc_watz @kc_watz
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The MaiOtaku Project
kc_watz @kc_watz
That's true,decisions need to be made on who is CO, XO, and OPs
We need at least one writer and one artist. We also need to secure a good method of communication
Karasu @kain_karasu
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The MaiOtaku Project
Karasu @kain_karasu
Maybe instead of having a main character we could pick out the top 3 characters out of the bios people submit and use them as primary focus characters, and have a couple of the runner ups as secondary focus characters, the rest still being part of the story, just not focused on so much?
Might be a good idea to have a couple of main writers in this case and sub writers. For artists, well, everyone has their strong points. We could delegate certain parts to certain people, like characters, backgrounds, effects, etc. I know I'm a lot better at drawing some things than others that's for surer >.>
Anyways I volunteer to help with both, albeit I'm not sure how much of help I'll be <.<
altair88 @altair88
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The MaiOtaku Project
altair88 @altair88
I like how people say I can't be done with ideology like that it won't. To come up with something revolutionary you must first not only think outside the box but blow the box up all together. The story in itself can at first be told with a collection of characters per chapter. Slowly trying to incorporate as many people here as possible. We can do it by build or faction. I've experienced so many show and manga where Great character albeit side character s had great stories yet little spotlight I personally wouldn't want that here. We may have a large cast of characters but with the right dedication I think we can make it work. And karasu favoritism can lead to people not wanting to participate. it may make them feel as though their thoughts or idea have been over looked. Just something to consider
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