Fullmetal Alchemist VS BrotherHood

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Fullmetal Alchemist VS BrotherHood
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
I re-watched both series of these two anime. They both have different Story line, plots, and ending, yet a lot of similarities. The Intro in Alchemist is more understandable than Brotherhood, yet Brotherhood had a better ending. So which is better in your say? Alchemist or Brotherhood?
In the beginning I liked Brotherhood better, and still do. Alchemist is good, yet not as good as Brotherhood.

fatzilla @jineko
commented on
Fullmetal Alchemist VS BrotherHood
fatzilla @jineko
Agree with you. Actually, to me, brotherhood makes more sense. Alchemist to me was the best before brotherhood was released. Once brotherhood was released I totally abandoned the former.
I just hate it that Ed and Winry ended up together which made me abandon the fandom all in all. If Rumiko Takahashi removed that part, I'd still be collecting FMA stuff right now.

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
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Fullmetal Alchemist VS BrotherHood
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
You didn't like that ED and Winry ended together in Brotherhood, wow. Oh well...

Amrod @amrodcalanor
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Fullmetal Alchemist VS BrotherHood
Amrod @amrodcalanor
Winry Rockbell is the shiet though. Shes awesome o.o
Anyways, Brotherhood > FMA. Brotherhood had the best fighting scenes, more homunculus, and it actually showed the two of them (Al and Ed) growing up.

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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Fullmetal Alchemist VS BrotherHood
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
When Ed proposed to Winry...that was the shining moment. That was when I thought, ok my life is complete/

tigerxdragon @tigerxdragon
commented on
Fullmetal Alchemist VS BrotherHood
tigerxdragon @tigerxdragon
To me brotherhood was about as perfect as u can get it followed tge manga to a tee
Its saying somthing wen the first alchemist waa already a really good anime but brotherhood completly surpasses it
Jineko no winry love wat was your fandom?

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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Fullmetal Alchemist VS BrotherHood
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
I love both. The first one I thought was better than the manga when it came out and now after seeing brotherhood I like it more than the original anime.

neet-one @neetone
commented on
Fullmetal Alchemist VS BrotherHood
neet-one @neetone
Fullmetal Alchemist without a doubt. I don't much care if brotherhood was more faithful to the manga. I couldn't stand overly silly tone of the series in-spite of the plot taking some really dark and serious turns at times. In FMA you'd get some truly deep heart felt emotion out of the characters during emotional scenes, but in brotherhood they'd switch to chibi mode and the most horribly inappropriate times and make a mockery of serious situations. The art style is far superior in FMA in my opinion as well, as the art in brotherhood comes across as overly simplistic and cheap. Another big problem I had with brotherhood was the way they rushed the first 13 ep. A simple recap shouldn't take 13 whole episodes, that's more than what many shows get for their entire story. All it serves to do is make people who have seen the original watch a sub par rushed version of what they've already seen, or just ruin everything for the people who haven't seen the original yet. Yes the ending for FMA had it's problems, but I feel over all it was much better in my opinion hands down.
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