Greetings all

krieger33 @krieger33
Greetings all
krieger33 @krieger33
Joined out of pure interest more than anything else, nothing much besides that. My top three anime would have to be Dantalian no Shoka, Gosick, and Toradora in that order. Besides that, if you're from /a/ (or even know what I'm referencing too) we'll get along fine and hang our heads in shame together for obvious reasons.

zombieoverlord1995 @zombieoverlord1995
commented on
Greetings all
zombieoverlord1995 @zombieoverlord1995
Hi, if you are looking for people who like anime, then you came to the right place, while I do not know of two of the anime you brought up, I do know about /a/.

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
Greetings all
Amrod @amrodcalanor
Toradora <3
Love that anime. Minori Kushieda T_T

hunter900 @hunter900
commented on
Greetings all
hunter900 @hunter900
Toradora, great anime. Welcome!
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