Utau creators/users, Gather! lol

TakeruInudo @takeruinudo
Utau creators/users, Gather! lol
TakeruInudo @takeruinudo
So anyone who creates Utauloids and or uses utau, gather around, discuss your feels on everything UTAU. You don't have to use UTAU to take part of this :) if you get interested that's great! If you only prefer to listen then that's good too, give your thoughts and input on all UTAU!
I'm an Utau and Vocaloid user (and creator). I enjoy making VBs, but I rarely have the time, and can only do so much with my own voice xD
I am no expert, but I'm not a noob :P some of my work can be seen here
under "My ~~" I have two channels.
I have loads of ideas and want to create all kinds of utauloids, but lack the voices ;~;
Things I like:
Utau in general, the possibilities and creations of utauloids are endless and wonderful all around. I want to make a video of my love for it, but no good at that sort of thing xD The many utauloid characters, their voices, so many to choose, I can never keep up! lol
Things I don't like:
I try not to say things on what I don't like, but I can't honestly say I love everything. Lately a lot of the Utauloids are just getting more and more alike, and don't really stand out from one another. Which makes it hard for me to really appreciate it, since not very much creativity or originality is put much into it. Some few good utauloids that stand out that have a lot of creativity and originality put into them are like
Spike -- Tatari ~ ^0^ ~ -- NeeNeeko-chan -- Kanochi Neko (ok kinda, her clothes are kinda vocaloided :P ) -- Aizo
Otodayama Ichihime -- Urschrei -- Selen -- Pumpking -- Shoichiro
Momone Momo -- Caeles ~ ^0^ ~ -- and a lot more can be seen here that I deem more original/creative than most utauloids I have seen
Even the Furry class of utauloids in my opinion are starting to blend in like the non furry ones. But hey that's just my opinion, though looking at over 1,000 different utauloids, I think it kinda means something :P
So what do you guys like/dislike, what would you like to see more/less of, plan on making a VB, want opinions? Just ask/asnwer and you shall receive! lol
Phew! ok, excuse me while I go get a huge cup of water, my throat is really dry and scratchy now e~e
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