Show YourSelf Peeps?

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Show YourSelf Peeps?
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Show a pic of yourself peeps, and stop hiding behind the anime or the "blank pic." Not to be rude, at least encourage yourself. That's like one reason I don't respond to the No Pic people. Show yourself at least 1 pic will do.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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Show YourSelf Peeps?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I have pics on my profile. I just like having an anime avatar till I have a chance to take some great pics.

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
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Show YourSelf Peeps?
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
I know you do Vamp. ;)

LilyBunMoon @chocominttea
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Show YourSelf Peeps?
LilyBunMoon @chocominttea
Tis for security purposes! I don't want people to be all creepin' on me. Plus I put some in the gallery for those who actually look through profiles. x_x;

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
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Show YourSelf Peeps?
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
I forgot to add the Gallery Part also, which is cool to have your pics there also..... My bad. :/

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Show YourSelf Peeps?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Eye... I mean, aye.

Erranty @erranty
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Show YourSelf Peeps?
Erranty @erranty
Some people have no confidence. Other's like to use anonymity as a social experiment, to see if a person can like their ideals and personality before seeing them.
And then there's the people who just love cool pics.

eru @eru
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Show YourSelf Peeps?
eru @eru
I totally understand that. ahemcatfishahem
I did always feel more comfortable talking to someone I could sorta picture, I guess.
But.. while it's nice to be able to put a face to the person behind the keyboard and screen,
if they're uncomfortable with it then it's fine if they don't post any.
&+1 to Erranty's comment.
&&sometimes I feel like I should just post an anime or blank pic instead
just to see how many people would actually take the time to message/respond.
As Erranty said; it could be a social experiment.

Yu @metaljester
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Show YourSelf Peeps?
Yu @metaljester
Well I do have pics up myself, along with some of my favorite characters or moreover just because I can.
Theres quite a few things on here that would cause somebody not to want to post a picture up though it just depends on how that person is.
As one person said it could be them merely testing the waters trying to see if its shallow or deep.
With another thing it could be them afraid of showing their pictures due to lack of confidence in their appearance.
Or perhaps they feel with a site like this that privacy is key and therefore do not want to let somebody see what they look like right away unless they know them a bit.
Simply they dont want kira finding their name and face.
Thats a few things but in regards to showing pics or not I feel its fine if they want to or dont. Since not everybody is so eager to show pics.

usagimodoki @usagimodoki
commented on
Show YourSelf Peeps?
usagimodoki @usagimodoki
I plan to put a pic of myself in my gallery soon but not as my default picture. It's not that I don't like how I look, but more so that I suck at taking good pictures. (◡△◡✿)
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